Monday, April 30, 2018

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Dear MyPaymentsPlus User, In honor of National School Breakfast Week, we're kicking off a giveaway beginning tomorrow, March 1st - March 8th in which one lucky parent will receive $500 simply by making a payment to their student's account during that time. It really is that easy! Has it been a while since you've logged-in? Don't forget MyPaymentsPlus has plenty of tools to make managing your student's account easier than ever.

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Voter Information

Sherwood Park Primary School is an Academy. The Governing Body is responsible for decisions on admissions to the school.

Children born from 1 September 2016 to 31 August 2017 will be admitted to Reception classes in September 2020. The number of Reception places for the Academic Year 2020/2021 will be 60 which is the Published Admission Number for the school. Parents have the right to defer their child’s start at school, or to request part time education. This must be discussed with the school where a place has been allocated before making a final decision.

Children born between 1 April and 31 August are referred to as “Summer born”. Parents can request that summer born children start school in a Reception class in the September after their fifth birthday (i.e. with children who are a year younger), if there is clear evidence that the child is not ready to start primary school at the normal time. The decision on whether to delay entry to school will be made by the admission authority for the school (i.e. the Governing Body). All supporting evidence and views will be taken into account, but the admission authority is not obliged to agree to the request. There is no right of appeal against a decision not to admit a child into a year group lower than normal. If a request is not agreed, summer born children would go straight into Year 1 if they had not started school during the academic year when they became five years old.

Applications should be made on the home Local Authority’s primary common application form and submitted by the closing date of 15th January 2020. Parents living in Bexley are encouraged to apply on line using the link e-Admissions.

Parents can also collect a paper application form from any primary school in Bexley or from Councils Offices. They can apply for up to six schools, whether in Bexley or other areas.

Parents who do not live in Bexley should apply through their home local authority. They can list schools in Bexley on their form.

If the application is late, it will not be dealt with until all on time applications have been processed and it may not be possible to offer a place a Sherwood Park Primary School. Where there are fewer applicants than places available all will be admitted. Where there are more applicants than places available, the school will apply the following oversubscription criteria, in this order:

1. Children in public care (looked after children) or children who were previously in public care immediately before being adopted or subject to a residence order or special guardianship order. SHERWOOD PARK ADMISSIONS POLICY 3

2. Children with a medical need that makes it essential for the child to attend Sherwood Park Primary School. Evidence of the medical condition must be submitted at the time of application. An opinion may be sought from a medical adviser before a place is awarded.

3. Siblings of children who will be attending Sherwood Park Primary School at the time the child is due for admission to the school. This priority does not include brothers or sisters due to transfer to secondary school in the next academic year. For this priority, brother or sister includes a full brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, or step/half brother or sister living at the same address. Where in an allocation of places, children who are twin, triplets or from other multiple births would qualify for fewer places than the number of children, all will be treated as siblings and therefore accorded the sibling priority.

4. Children whose parents or sibling has a medical condition, or where there are significant social or domestic circumstances, that would result in significant hardship if the child did not attend Sherwood Park Primary School. Evidence must be submitted at the time of application. An opinion may be sought from a medical adviser or other professional before a place is awarded.

5. Children living closest to the school, based on the distance measured as a straight line from the home address to the nearest pupil entrance. Measurements will be provided by the London Borough of Bexley in accordance with its home to school distance measuring policy.

Home will be taken as the address at which the child lives with the parent or legal guardian who is also the main carer, defined as the parent to receive child benefit and child tax credit, at the time of application.

A waiting list will be kept by the Governors of applicants who are refused admission due to oversubscription. When places become available they will be offered in the sequence of the criteria above. The waiting list will be kept until the start of the Autumn Term 2020.

Parents have the right to appeal against any refusal by the Governors to admit their child. Details of the appeals procedure can be obtained by contacting the school office.

Tie breaker: Where one or more applicants live exactly the same distance from the school applied for and all would qualify for the last available place, the allocation of the last place will be made by drawing lots. The drawing of lots will be witnessed by an independent adjudicator. The first child drawn will be offered the place, and the remaining children placed on the waiting list in the order of the draw.

Admissions during the year and outside the normal round Admission of children moving into the area or transferring from another school in year and outside the normal admissions round will be considered by Governors having regard to the admissions policy stated above and according to whether places are available in the appropriate year group. SHERWOOD PARK ADMISSIONS POLICY 4

A waiting list will be kept by the Governors of applicants who are refused admission due to oversubscription. When places become available, they will be offered in the sequence of the oversubscription criteria above.

Parents have the right to appeal against any refusal by the Governors to admit their child. Details of the appeals procedure can be obtained by contacting the school office.

Requests for Admission Outside the Normal Age Range Requests for in year admission to a higher or lower age group will be considered by Governors. They will make a decision on the basis of the circumstances of the case and in the best interests of the child concerned. However, the school is not obliged to agree the request, and there is no right of appeal against the school’s decision. Request should be made in writing to the school at the normal time of application for their age group.

Date of entry to Reception Classes and Admission outside the normal age group

All children can start in a Reception class in the September of the academic year when they become five years old. Compulsory school age is the beginning of the school term after the child’s fifth birthday, and entry may be deferred to the January or April after the fifth birthday.

Parents of children born between 1 April and 31 August may request entry to Reception (rather than Year 1) in the September after the child’s fifth birthday. Requests should, where possible, be made during the normal application period for primary places, accompanied by any available supporting evidence.

If the request is agreed, the application for a school place will be processed in the following year’s application period. If the request is not agreed, the child must either start school before the fifth birthday or start school in Year 1 in the September following the fifth birthday. A place will not be allocated at a preferred school unless the child qualifies for a place under the published admission criteria either in the normal or deferred year of entry.

In year requests for admission outside the normal age group (i.e. other than for entry to Reception) should be made at the time of application with supporting evidence.

If a child is admitted to Reception one year later than normal, new requests must be made for entry outside the normal age group when transferring to Junior School (for a child attending an infant only school) and Secondary School.

All decisions on admission outside the normal age group to Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools will be made by the London Borough of Bexley in consultation with the Head Teacher of the preferred school. There is no right of appeal against a decision not to admit a child outside the normal age group.

Friday, April 27, 2018


-+-+- Please reply above this line to add a comment -+-+- Suite à l'entretien que vous avez passé le 20/10/2017, je suis au regret de devoir vous informer que votre candidature n'a pas été retenue. Thanks for signing up for Honeyfund. We're excited to help you make your dream happen! follows: I've forwarded your email to our Student Hub. Thank you for your interest in Aurora University. I want to make sure you connect with the correct person. Are you looking for graduate or undergraduate programs? Transfer Equivalency Guide ce prénom est trop courant pour que l'identification soit certaine14. P.S. If you have already completed your payment, thank you, and please disregard this email. Applicants to graduate programs may check, edit, or remind a recommender at with the username and password used when they initially applied to their program of interest. Aurora University Woodstock Center customer, thanks for reaching out! Thank you for contacting the Office of Academic Admissions! We answer all emails in the order that we receive them—we appreciate your patience as you await a response. Offering undergraduate programs in the liberal arts and sciences, business and education as well as a full range of graduate programs and hands-on clinical research opportunities, Augusta University is Georgia's innovation center for education and health care. The combination of nationally ranked business and nursing schools as well as the state's flagship public medical school and only dental school makes Augusta University a destination of choice for the students of today and the leaders of tomorrow. Thank you for filling out your information! Graduate Advisor |UCLA Spanish and Portuguese You may see more details and track progress on your new ticket at: Gall y neges e-bost hon, ac unrhyw atodiadau a anfonwyd gyda hi, gynnwys deunydd cyfrinachol ac wedi eu bwriadu i'w defnyddio'n unig gan y sawl y cawsant eu cyfeirio ato (atynt). Os ydych wedi derbyn y neges e-bost hon trwy gamgymeriad, rhowch wybod i'r anfonwr ar unwaith a dilewch y neges. Os na fwriadwyd anfon y neges atoch chi, rhaid i chi beidio a defnyddio, cadw neu ddatgelu unrhyw wybodaeth a gynhwysir ynddi. Mae unrhyw farn neu safbwynt yn eiddo i'r sawl a'i hanfonodd yn unig ac nid yw o anghenraid yn cynrychioli barn Prifysgol Bangor. Nid yw Prifysgol Bangor yn gwarantu bod y neges e-bost hon neu unrhyw atodiadau yn rhydd rhag firysau neu 100% yn ddiogel. Oni bai fod hyn wedi ei ddatgan yn uniongyrchol yn nhestun yr e-bost, nid bwriad y neges e-bost hon yw ffurfio contract rhwymol - mae rhestr o lofnodwyr awdurdodedig ar gael o Swyddfa Cyllid Prifysgol Bangor. Talk to you soon, Thank you for your e-mail and interest in Augusta University! Please also be aware that our residence halls are very full. Due to this, the Housing Office has done their best to accommodate you regarding a specific room type or roommate that you may have requested. If you did not receive the room type that you wanted, you have been put on a waiting list for that type of room. If you were not placed with the roommate that you requested, it is due to receiving the housing application/deposit late, so the roommate that you have been assigned will be your roommate. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, roommate changes will not be allowed at this time. Congratulations! You have successfully registered for Crunchbase, the world's most relied upon business information platform. Log in to your account at any time Thank you for your enquiry. Please review the following links, and let us know if you have any questions! Thanks, Thank you for getting in touch! In the meantime, our website has all of the information about the various programmes and studying at AUT. Rhif Elusen Gofrestredig 1141565 - Registered Charity No. 1141565 **** Does The Above URL Not Work? **** If the above URL does not work, please use your Web browser to go to: Please be sure not to add extra spaces. You will need to type in your username and activation number on the page that appears when you visit the URL. Your Username is: matthewcjackson69 Your Activation ID is: 8538dadfca26ee2dc4fa7716485d487d3faa24bc If you are still having problems signing up please contact a member of our support staff at I'm sorry for the trouble. Are you using any of the programs listed here? -- Albert Wiersch CSS HTML Validator > -----Original Message----- > From: CSS HTML Validator Server > Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 14:58 > To: AI Internet Solutions > Subject: problem - from (jackson) > > HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) > AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.117 Safari/537.36 > REMOTE_ADDR: > emailto: Sales > name: jackson > email: > version: 18.01 > subject: problem > psupport: 0: emails found: 0, > emailtext: application not running Thank you for contacting Barry University. In order to properly answer your question, we need additional information from you. What program are you interested in studying at Barry? Are you a domestic or international student? Would you be entering as a freshman or transfer student? Please let us know. Our Recruitment & Admissions team is always available to answer any questions you may have or assist you along the way. Best wishes, Barry University Recruitment & Admissions 11300 NE 2nd Avenue

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Thank you for your email message, we are pleased to learn of your interest in the University of Vermont (UVM). This is an automated response, please allow 1-2 business days for a reply to your inquiry. Complete information on our graduate programs and admission deadlines can be found on our website at For detailed information about application requirements, please go to To submit your application, please go to If you have questions regarding general Graduate College policies or the application process, please contact Graduate Admissions (email,; fax, 802-656-0519; phone, 802-656-2699). Specific program questions are best directed to your program of interest. Thank you for your interest in graduate study at UVM Sincerely, The Graduate Admissions Staff *** FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS *** For students whose native language is not English, scores on the TOEFL or IELTS exams are required. The minimum requirement for admission on the TOEFL exam is a cumulative score of 90; 100 is required to be considered for a Graduate Teaching Assistantship. The minimum requirement for the IELTS exam is an overall band score of 6.5; 7.0 is required to be considered for a Graduate Teaching Assistantship. Ticket INC0372223 with the summary of "Info about university" has been closed with the following solution: "Closing due to retention policy, and it was a strange email in the first place". If you have any further questions, please contact the KU IT Customer Service Center at or 785-864-8080 (or 4-8080 from a campus phone). Please reference the ticket INC0372223 in all communications with CSC staff about this issue. Information to help with troubleshooting issues is also available 24/7 through the KU IT Knowledgebase: Thank You! KU Information Technology Thank you for contacting us. Please do not reply to this message. Additional ways to get answers from DePaul Central: · Online: o DePaul Central website o Visit the Learning Center o Chat Live with staff between 9am and 5pm o Facebook and Twitter · In-Person: o Lincoln Park â€" Schmitt Academic Center, Suite 101 o Loop â€" DePaul Center, 9th Floor Go to Campus Connect > Student Center to manage your online student transactions. “Do you know about the “Share My Information” feature in Campus Connect? Students can grant access to parents or others to view and discuss specific information. To read more about this feature, you can visit the “Share My Information” webpage here.” Sincerely, DePaul Central| DePaul University 1 E. Jackson Blvd. | Chicago, IL 60604 Tel: (312) 362-8610 | | cid:image001.png@01CF0796.DB9F4210cid:image002.png@01CF0796.DB9F4210cid:image003.png@01CF0796.DB9F4210 cid:image004.png@01CF0796.DB9F4210 cid:image008.png@01CEFD87.35688E60 Someone has requested a link to change your password. You can do this through the link below. 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Thursday, April 26, 2018

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Sign Up Successful L’équipe de gestion des comptes Oracle We look forward to helping you build what’s next. * lefsetzletter See you in the cloud, Thanks again for visiting our store. Let us know if there is anything we can do to make your experience with us a better one! Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Read More Ce bouton expirera dans 24 heures. S’il a expiré, demandez à recevoir un nouvel email de validation. Contents: If you’d like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. Bonjour, We look forward to helping you build what’s next. See you in the cloud, Nous avons reçu une demande de création d’un compte Oracle associé à votre adresse email. Si vous n’avez pas fait cette demande, envoyez une demande d’aide ou un email à l’adresse We look forward to helping you build what’s next. Thank you Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. Saludos!!!! The Google Cloud Platform Team Si tienes una duda o consulta, puedes revisar el material de ayuda que se encuentra en nuestro Portal de Soporte o nuestro Canal de Youtube. The post 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended appeared first on City of Champaign. If you encounter any issues, please visit our help center. 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended Due to this year’s unusually late winter weather, one additional yard waste collection has been added for all Champaign residents. All residents, in both the Orange Zone and Blue Zone, should place their yard waste materials at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on Monday, May 7, 2018. City crews Nuestro objetivo es ayudarte y resolver con cualquier duda que tengas de la plataforma para que la aproveches al máximo y tus campañas sean un éxito! . Ce bouton expirera dans 24 heures. S’il a expiré, demandez à recevoir un nouvel email de validation. Dear Alicaouzen, Además, puedes ponerte en contacto nosotros a través de los siguientes canales: Trabajamos de Lunes a Viernes entre 9:00 AM y 18:30 PM (GMT-3), si nos envías alguna pregunta fuera de horario trataremos de responderte lo antes posible. If you’d like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. VIEW GUIDES Pour finaliser la création de votre compte Oracle, validez votre adresse email. Mi nombre es David y junto con mi equipo te queremos saludar y darte la bienvenida a GuruContact. See you in the cloud, Pour encaisser des paiements réels (mode LIVE) connectez-vous sur le portail de gestion pour y compléter votre dossier. Your Account ID is 5389816. Please save for this for future reference. Si tienes una duda o consulta, puedes revisar el material de ayuda que se encuentra en nuestro Portal de Soporte o nuestro Canal de Youtube. Sales Team Hola chama, ¿Cómo estás? As a thank you for signing up for Trade of the Day, here is a special bonus report, 10 Top Trades for a Massive Payday, detailing the top trades recommended from our trading experts at 24/7 Trader. Merci, Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. General Press Releases â€" City of Champaign Pour encaisser des paiements réels (mode LIVE) connectez-vous sur le portail de gestion pour y compléter votre dossier. Cualquier pregunta que tengas no dudes en contactarnos! Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Merci pour votre inscription chez PayPlug. Vous pouvez dès à présent commencer l’intégration et effectuer des simulations de paiement en mode TEST. Activer mon compte. Prospect Avenue Lane Closure Si tienes una duda o consulta, puedes revisar el material de ayuda que se encuentra en nuestro Portal de Soporte o nuestro Canal de Youtube. See you in the cloud, Pour encaisser des paiements réels (mode LIVE) connectez-vous sur le portail de gestion pour y compléter votre dossier. Activate your Glassdoor account by clicking the button below Generando una solicitud de soporte. Para esto debes ingresar a GuruContact y hacer clic en el botón Generando una solicitud de soporte. Para esto debes ingresar a GuruContact y hacer clic en el botón Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. See you in the cloud, The Google Cloud Platform Team Contents: Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. If this is not correct, you do not need to do anything, simply delete this message. Pour finaliser la création de votre compte Oracle, validez votre adresse email. Generando una solicitud de soporte. Para esto debes ingresar a GuruContact y hacer clic en el botón Need an easier way to get started? Explore this codelab to discover how to work with buckets and objects. We look forward to helping you build what’s next. If you’d like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. Merci, Merci, 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended Lane Closures for Tree Work As a thank you for signing up for Trade of the Day, here is a special bonus report, 10 Top Trades for a Massive Payday, detailing the top trades recommended from our trading experts at 24/7 Trader. Saludos!!!! 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended Valider l’adresse email Enviando un correo Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. Hola chama, ¿Cómo estás? All rights reserved. Nous avons reçu une demande de création d’un compte Oracle associé à votre adresse email. Si vous n’avez pas fait cette demande, envoyez une demande d’aide ou un email à l’adresse Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Mi nombre es David y junto con mi equipo te queremos saludar y darte la bienvenida a GuruContact. Devonshire Drive Lane Closure You have successfully signed up for a National Arts Centre account. Merci, L’équipe de gestion des comptes Oracle Bonjour, 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended Due to this year’s unusually late winter weather, one additional yard waste collection has been added for all Champaign residents. All residents, in both the Orange Zone and Blue Zone, should place their yard waste materials at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on Monday, May 7, 2018. City crews Cher/Chère yasschien, Bonjour, Pour finaliser la création de votre compte Oracle, validez votre adresse email. Valider l’adresse email Explore how-to guides. Nuestro objetivo es ayudarte y resolver con cualquier duda que tengas de la plataforma para que la aproveches al máximo y tus campañas sean un éxito! . Apr 20, 2018 12:53 pm | Kris Koester Cher/Chère yasschien, Trabajamos de Lunes a Viernes entre 9:00 AM y 18:30 PM (GMT-3), si nos envías alguna pregunta fuera de horario trataremos de responderte lo antes posible. Saludos!!!! Public Works Department News â€" City of Champaign Mr achraf bencharki: thank you for registering with our store! Learn the basics of buckets. COMPLETE MY PROFILE Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. COMPLETE MY PROFILE Cher/Chère yasschien, If you’d like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. Merci pour votre inscription chez PayPlug. Vous pouvez dès à présent commencer l’intégration et effectuer des simulations de paiement en mode TEST. Apr 20, 2018 12:53 pm | Kris Koester Dear achraf, Thank you, Ce bouton expirera dans 24 heures. S’il a expiré, demandez à recevoir un nouvel email de validation. Check out our documentation to learn how to create and manage your projects. COMPLETE MY PROFILE Trabajamos de Lunes a Viernes entre 9:00 AM y 18:30 PM (GMT-3), si nos envías alguna pregunta fuera de horario trataremos de responderte lo antes posible. Además, puedes ponerte en contacto nosotros a través de los siguientes canales: The GMC Group Rain Barrel & Compost Bin Truckload Sale Whether you’re creating storage buckets or changing storage classes, follow along with these guides to get step-by-step support. The Google Cloud Platform Team If you’d like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. L'équipe PayPlug COMPLETE MY PROFILE Pour finaliser la création de votre compte Oracle, validez votre adresse email. 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended Almost welcome to the LefsetzLetter ... Nous avons reçu une demande de création d’un compte Oracle associé à votre adresse email. Si vous n’avez pas fait cette demande, envoyez une demande d’aide ou un email à l’adresse Thank you for choosing Vodien Internet Solutions, Singapore’s Number 1 web hosting provider. Someone, hopefully you, has subscribed your email address to the following newsletter: Respondiendo a este correo o escribiéndome a L'équipe PayPlug Activer mon compte. COMPLETE MY PROFILE Respondiendo a este correo o escribiéndome a Without this confirmation, you will not receive any newsletters. At any time you can log into your account to check order status, update your billing information, add multiple delivery addresses, and much more. To log in, use the link below: Vodien Internet Solutions Pte Ltd The Google Cloud Platform Team Activer mon compte. Además, puedes ponerte en contacto nosotros a través de los siguientes canales: Cher/Chère yasschien, --------------------------------------- Enviando un correo L'équipe PayPlug Valider l’adresse email Use our how-to guides to get familiar with Cloud Storage. The Google Cloud Platform Team Si tienes una duda o consulta, puedes revisar el material de ayuda que se encuentra en nuestro Portal de Soporte o nuestro Canal de Youtube. L’équipe de gestion des comptes Oracle National Arts Centre Cualquier pregunta que tengas no dudes en contactarnos! Trabajamos de Lunes a Viernes entre 9:00 AM y 18:30 PM (GMT-3), si nos envías alguna pregunta fuera de horario trataremos de responderte lo antes posible. L’équipe de gestion des comptes Oracle Enviando un correo Valider l’adresse email If this is correct, please click the following link to confirm your subscription. Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. L'équipe PayPlug Hola chama, ¿Cómo estás? Recent Posts If you’d like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. Hola chama, ¿Cómo estás? We look forward to helping you build what’s next. Bonjour, As a thank you for signing up for Trade of the Day, here is a special bonus report, 10 Top Trades for a Massive Payday, detailing the top trades recommended from our trading experts at 24/7 Trader. 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended Mattis Avenue Lane Closure We look forward to helping you build what’s next. Además, puedes ponerte en contacto nosotros a través de los siguientes canales: Merci pour votre inscription chez PayPlug. Vous pouvez dès à présent commencer l’intégration et effectuer des simulations de paiement en mode TEST. Merci pour votre inscription chez PayPlug. Vous pouvez dès à présent commencer l’intégration et effectuer des simulations de paiement en mode TEST. Your Email Ticket ID: 13710023 Your ticket will be assigned to one of our sales officers for a review and we will attend to you within (1) working day. For urgent matters, please contact us via our 24/7 hotline. Nuestro objetivo es ayudarte y resolver con cualquier duda que tengas de la plataforma para que la aproveches al máximo y tus campañas sean un éxito! . Respondiendo a este correo o escribiéndome a Activate Account Saludos!!!! Best Regards, Activer mon compte. Copyright � 2018 The GMC Group Generando una solicitud de soporte. Para esto debes ingresar a GuruContact y hacer clic en el botón Thank you for writing to the Sales Department! We have received your request and a ticket has been created for you.

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actors access (SM)</> Hello! We are sending you this email to remind you to confirm you email with us. To finish signing up on Freedcamp, just confirm that we've got the right email. Confirm Account Need the raw link? If you didn't create this account, please contact Freedcamp support. Chinese nationalist forces launched a large-scale counter-offensive in early 1940. We look forward to helping you build what's next. Hola chama, ¿Cómo estás? If this is not correct, you do not need to do anything, simply delete this message. Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. L'équipe de gestion des comptes Oracle We look forward to helping you build what's next. See you in the cloud, Votre inscription est terminée ! Vous pouvez désormais vous connecter à votre compte sur le portail ou via le client Arc. Vous pourrez alors découvrir tous les jeux de qualité que propose Arc ! Nuestro objetivo es ayudarte y resolver con cualquier duda que tengas de la plataforma para que la aproveches al máximo y tus campañas sean un éxito! . Contents: Bonjour, Pour encaisser des paiements réels ) connectez-vous sur le portail de gestion pour y compléter votre dossier. Pour encaisser des paiements réels (mode LIVE) connectez-vous sur le portail de gestion pour y compléter votre dossier. Confirm my account Si tienes una duda o consulta, puedes revisar el material de ayuda que se encuentra en nuestro Portal de Soporte o nuestro Canal de Youtube. We look forward to helping you build what's next. Based on your answers, we'll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Cualquier pregunta que tengas no dudes en contactarnos! Activate your Glassdoor account by clicking the button below Pour finaliser la création de votre compte Oracle, validez votre adresse email. Nuestro objetivo es ayudarte y resolver con cualquier duda que tengas de la plataforma para que la aproveches al máximo y tus campañas sean un éxito! . Based on your answers, we'll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Dear achraf, Le numéro situé à côté de votre pseudo est votre identifiant unique. Vos amis pourront utiliser votre pseudo et votre identifiant unique pour vous retrouver sur Arc. Bienvenue sur Arc, aaron ! Valider l'adresse email Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. Cher/Chère yasschien, Learn the basics of buckets. Generando una solicitud de soporte. Para esto debes ingresar a GuruContact y hacer clic en el botón Merci,Nous avons reçu une demande de création d'un compte Oracle associé à votre adresse email. Si vous n'avez pas fait cette demande, envoyez une demande d'aide ou un email à l'adresse Si tienes una duda o consulta, puedes revisar el material de ayuda que se encuentra en nuestro Portal de Soporte o nuestro Canal de Youtube. Trabajamos de Lunes a Viernes entre 9:00 AM y 18:30 PM (GMT-3), si nos envías alguna pregunta fuera de horario trataremos de responderte lo antes posible. Rain Barrel & Compost Bin Truckload Sale You have successfully signed up for a National Arts Centre account. Cualquier pregunta que tengas no dudes en contactarnos! Based on your answers, we'll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Activate Account Techstars See you in the cloud, L'équipe PayPlug - L'équipe d'Arc See you in the cloud, Prospect Avenue Lane Closure Bonjour, Thanks for joining Glassdoor! Our mailing address is: , effectively ending their co-operationIn March, the Japanese 11th army attacked the headquarters of the Chinese 19th army but was repulsed during Battle of ShanggaoIn September, Pour finaliser la création de votre compte Oracle, validez votre adresse email. Pour finaliser la création de votre compte Oracle, validez votre adresse email. Activer mon compte. Based on your answers, we'll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Someone, hopefully you, has subscribed your email address to the following newsletter: Merci pour votre inscription chez Vous pouvez dès à présent commencer l'intégration et effectuer des simulations de paiement en mode TEST. The Google Cloud Platform Team COMPLETE MY PROFILE Generando una solicitud de soporte. Para esto debes ingresar a GuruContact y hacer clic en el botón Japan invaded and occupied northern Indochina. Afterwards, the United States embargoed iron, steel and mechanical parts against Japan. Other sanctions soon followed. Best regards, Angelcam Support Team Hopefully by now you've created a new campaign(s) and are currently recording data on your tracking links. Today we're going to discuss conversion tracking. Merci pour votre inscription chez PayPlug. Vous pouvez dès à présent commencer l'intégration et effectuer des simulations de paiement en mode TEST. Dear Alicaouzen, Use our how-to guides to get familiar with Cloud Storage. Enviando un correo Contents: Trabajamos de Lunes a Viernes entre 9:00 AM y 18:30 PM (GMT-3), si nos envías alguna pregunta fuera de horario trataremos de responderte lo antes posible. Whether you're creating storage buckets or changing storage classes, follow along with these guides to get step-by-step support. Thank you, Recent Posts Activer mon compte. Bonjour, If you'd like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. Explore how-to guides. The GMC Group Bonjour, Une fois votre compte confirmé, vous pourrez suivre l'état d'avancement de vos démarches en ligne, réceptionner et stocker vos documents administratifs importants, recevoir des demandes de complément des administrations et échanger avec celles-ci. Totalement sécurisé et accessible à tout moment, votre compte s'enrichira progressivement de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Without this confirmation, you will not receive any newsletters. The post 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended appeared first on City of Champaign. Mi nombre es David y junto con mi equipo te queremos saludar y darte la bienvenida a GuruContact. Best Regards, Generando una solicitud de soporte. Para esto debes ingresar a GuruContact y hacer clic en el botón If you'd like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. Manage Subscriptions endless stream of commissions checks waiting Almost welcome to the LefsetzLetter ... Mi nombre es David y junto con mi equipo te queremos saludar y darte la bienvenida a GuruContact. Bon jeu ! Boulder, CO 80302 Submit Resource See you in the cloud, Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. General Press Releases – City of Champaign Merci pour votre inscription chez PayPlug. Vous pouvez dès à présent commencer l'intégration et effectuer des simulations de paiement en mode TEST. for you. Your Email Ticket ID: 13710023 We look forward to helping you build what's next. Mitsubishi A6M2 "Zero" fighters on the Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft carrier Shōkaku, just before the attack on Pearl Harbor Respondiendo a este correo o escribiéndome a CONGRATULATIONS! You are about to have an USS Arizona during the Japanese surprise air attack on the American pacific fleet, 7 December 1941 Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. If this is correct, please click the following link to confirm your subscription. We look forward to helping you build what's next. As a thank you for signing up for Trade of the Day, here is a special bonus report, 10 Top Trades for a Massive Payday, detailing the top trades recommended from our trading experts at 24/7 Trader. As a thank you for signing up for Trade of the Day, here is a special bonus report, 10 Top Trades for a Massive Payday, detailing the top trades recommended from our trading experts at 24/7 Trader. L'équipe PayPlug The Google Cloud Platform Team link, we will NOT be able to send you your It will only take a few minutes , Hola chama, ¿Cómo estás? Enviando un correo Vous recevez ce courriel car vous avez créé un compte sur s, le site officiel de l'administration française. COMPLETE MY PROFILE Apr 20, 2018 12:53 pm | Kris Koester If you encounter any issues, please visit our help center. Apr 20, 2018 12:53 pm | Kris Koester To increase pressure on China by blocking supply routes, and to better position Japanese forces in the event of a war with the Western powers, Read More Thank you The post 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended appeared first on City of Champaign. Nous avons reçu une demande de création d'un compte Oracle associé à votre adresse email. Si vous n'avez pas fait cette demande, envoyez une demande d'aide ou un email à l'adresse See you in the cloud, 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended Due to this year's unusually late winter weather, one additional yard waste collection has been added for all Champaign residents. All residents, in both the Orange Zone and Blue Zone, should place their yard waste materials at the curb by Enviando un correo COMPLETE MY PROFILE Pour confirmer la création de votre compte, merci de cliquer sur le bouton suivant : You're receiving this email because you signed up for Startup Digest. Pour encaisser des paiements réels (mode LIVE) connectez-vous sur le portail de gestion pour y compléter votre dossier. Además, puedes ponerte en contacto nosotros a través de los siguientes canales: Además, puedes ponerte en contacto nosotros a través de los siguientes canales: Cualquier pregunta que tengas no dudes en contactarnos! Merci, Respondiendo a este correo o escribiéndome a Merci, Mi nombre es David y junto con mi equipo te queremos saludar y darte la bienvenida a GuruContact. We look forward to helping you build what's next. away and tell us where to send your check! Saludos!!!! Since early 1941 the United States and Japan had been engaged in negotiations in an attempt to improve their strained relations and end the war in China. During these negotiations Japan advanced a number of proposals which were dismissed by the Americans as inadequate. At the same time the US, Britain, and the Netherlands engaged in secret discussions for the joint defence of their territories, in the event of a Japanese attack against any of them.Roosevelt reinforced the Philippines (an American protectorate scheduled for independence in 1946) and warned Japan that the US would react to Japanese attacks against any "neighboring countries" Vodien Internet Solutions Pte Ltd 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended Japan attempted to take the city of Changsha again and clashed with Chinese nationalist forces. Valider l'adresse email Enviando un correo If you'd like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. The Google Cloud Platform Team Welcome to Startup Digest! Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. Nous avons reçu une demande de création d'un compte Oracle associé à votre adresse email. Si vous n'avez pas fait cette demande, envoyez une demande d'aide ou un email à l'adresse We look forward to helping you build what's next. Nuestro objetivo es ayudarte y resolver con cualquier duda que tengas de la plataforma para que la aproveches al máximo y tus campañas sean un éxito! . Además, puedes ponerte en contacto nosotros a través de los siguientes canales: Click below to79.137.59.81 confirm your email address. Trabajamos de Lunes a Viernes entre 9:00 AM y 18:30 PM (GMT-3), si nos envías alguna pregunta fuera de horario trataremos de responderte lo antes posible. Dear jhon marck, Your Account ID is 5389816. Please save for this for future reference. Si tienes una duda o consulta, puedes revisar el material de ayuda que se encuentra en nuestro Portal de Soporte o nuestro Canal de Youtube. L'équipe de gestion des comptes Oracle Hola chama, Please ACTIVATE YOUR Free ACCOUNT right COMPLETE MY PROFILE Thanks again for visiting our store. Let us know if there is anything we can do to make your experience with us a better one! Activer mon compte. The Google Cloud Platform TeamL'équipe PayPlug Saludos!!!! Submit Event We need to know where to send them? Confirmez votre adresse électronique Trabajamos de Lunes a Viernes entre 9:00 AM y 18:30 PM (GMT-3), si nos envías alguna pregunta fuera de horario trataremos de responderte lo antes posible. Mattis Avenue Lane Closure Hello The Google Cloud Platform Team Si le lien ci-dessus ne fonctionne pas, merci de copier/coller le lien suivant dans votre navigateur : The Google Cloud Platform Team Votre pseudo sera désormais affiché sous le format aaron#4285. Lane Closures for Tree Work Pour encaisser des paiements réels (mode LIVE) connectez-vous sur le portail de gestion pour y compléter votre dossier. The Google Cloud Platform Team 1050 Walnut St #202 Kind regards, Nuestro objetivo es ayudarte y resolver con cualquier duda que tengas de la plataforma para que la aproveches al máximo y tus campañas sean un éxito! . Thank you for choosing Vodien Internet Solutions, Singapore's Number 1 web hosting provider. Ce bouton expirera dans 24 heures. S'il a expiré, demandez à recevoir un nouvel email de validation. * lefsetzletter Please keep this email in a safe place so you'll always be able to log into the site successfully. The email address you used to create your account is also your user name. If you ever forget your password then you can request a password reset. Mi nombre es David y junto con mi equipo te queremos saludar y darte la bienvenida a GuruContact. NOTE: If you do not go there and activate the There are five ways to track conversions: Download the whitepaper Thank you for creating your account. You can now use it to access and manage your account as well as explore our exciting services such as the Gallery. Valider l'adresse email All rights reserved. German successes in Europe encouraged Japan to increase pressure on European governments in Southeast Asia. The Dutch government agreed to provide Japan some oil supplies from the Dutch East Indies, but negotiations for additional access to their resources ended in failure in June 1941. In July 1941 Japan sent troops to southern Indochina, thus threatening British and Dutch possessions in the Far East. The United States, United Kingdom and other Western governments reacted to this move with a freeze on Japanese assets and a total oil embargo.At the same time, Japan was planning an invasion of the Soviet Far East, intending to capitalize off the German invasion in the west, but abandoned the operation after the sanctions. Check out our documentation to learn how to create and manage your projects. The Teama strategically important Chinese city, but was repulsed by late September. Despite several offensives by both sides, the war between China and Japan was stalemated by 1940. Valider l'adresse email Frustrated at the lack of progress and feeling the pinch of the American-British-Dutch sanctions, Japan prepared for war. On 20 November a new government under Hideki Tojo presented an interim proposal as its final offer. It called for the end of American aid to China and for the supply of oil and other resources to Japan. In exchange Japan promised not to launch any attacks in Southeast Asia and to withdraw its forces from southern Indochina.The American counter-proposal of 26 November required that Japan evacuate all of China without conditions and conclude non-aggression pacts with all Pacific powers.That meant Japan was essentially forced to choose between abandoning its ambitions in China, or seizing the natural resources it needed in the Dutch East Indies by force; the Japanese military did not consider the former an option, and many officers considered the oil embargo an unspoken declaration of war. If you'd like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. Based on your answers, we'll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Mr achraf bencharki: thank you for registering with our store! Sales Team Merci pour votre inscription chez PayPlug. Vous pouvez dès à présent commencer l'intégration et effectuer des simulations de paiement en mode TEST. share on Twitter Like 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended on Facebook Continued antipathy between Chinese communist and nationalist forces culminated in armed clashes in January 1941 Sign Up Successful L'équipe de gestion des comptes Oracle 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended L'équipe de gestion des comptes Oracle COMPLETE MY PROFILE 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended Ce bouton expirera dans 24 heures. S'il a expiré, demandez à recevoir un nouvel email de validation. Además, puedes ponerte en contacto nosotros a través de los siguientes canales: Japan instituted harsh measures in occupied areas to reduce human and material resources for the communists. Respondiendo a este correo o escribiéndome a Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue sur votre nouvel espace personnel. Generando una solicitud de soporte. Para esto debes ingresar a GuruContact y hacer clic en el botón If you'd like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. Hola chama, ¿Cómo estás? Merci, Bonjour, Devonshire Drive Lane Closure At any time you can log into your account to check order status, update your billing information, add multiple delivery addresses, and much more. To log in, use the link below: Cher/Chère yasschien, Need an easier way to get started? Explore this codelab to discover how to work with buckets and objects. COMPLETE MY PROFILE Based on your answers, we'll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. As a thank you for signing up for Trade of the Day, here is a special bonus report, 10 Top Trades for a Massive Payday, detailing the top trades recommended from our trading experts at 24/7 Trader. See you in the cloud, Follow us: Twitter Facebook Or, copy and paste this link into your browser: Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. Public Works Department News – City of Champaign See you in the cloud, See you in the cloud, Cualquier pregunta que tengas no dudes en contactarnos! As a thank you for signing up for Trade of the Day, here is a special bonus report, 10 Top Trades for a Massive Payday, detailing the top trades recommended from our trading experts atTrader. Based on your answers, we'll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>admin</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2018-04-26T09:08:00-07:00'>9:08 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1723211267'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Wednesday, April 25, 2018</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='7329140973393780300' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='8641564765722158620' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='8641564765722158620'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Need-Cash? Borrow up To-$35,000 With A.personaL Ioan.</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-8641564765722158620' itemprop='description articleBody'> <a href=><CentER> <h1>Don't let high interest debt run up the score. </h1><img src=""> <dl><a href=> <img src=""> <dl><a href=> <img src=""> <object> As a thank you for signing up for Trade of the Day, here is a special bonus report, 10 Top Trades for a Massive Payday, detailing the top trades recommended from our trading experts at 24/7 Trader. The Google Cloud Platform Team General Press Releases â€" City of Champaign Merci, Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Explore how-to guides. Cualquier pregunta que tengas no dudes en contactarnos! Read More We look forward to helping you build what’s next. So watch your inbox for your first issue of the 24/7 Trader Trade of the Day free newsletter. Hola chama, ¿Cómo estás? Cualquier pregunta que tengas no dudes en contactarnos! L'équipe PayPlug Cher/Chère yasschien, Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. See you in the cloud, Editor, The Nation Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. Public Works Department News â€" City of Champaign Saludos!!!! Thank you for writing to the Sales Department! We have received your request and a ticket has been created for you. Además, puedes ponerte en contacto nosotros a través de los siguientes canales: Special Bonus Report Merci pour votre inscription chez PayPlug. Vous pouvez dès à présent commencer l’intégration et effectuer des simulations de paiement en mode TEST. Apr 20, 2018 12:53 pm | Kris Koester Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. Use our how-to guides to get familiar with Cloud Storage. We look forward to helping you build what’s next. All rights reserved. Your Email Ticket ID: 13710023 Best Regards, COMPLETE MY PROFILE * lefsetzletter Vodien Internet Solutions Pte Ltd Lane Closures for Tree Work Mattis Avenue Lane Closure Si tienes una duda o consulta, puedes revisar el material de ayuda que se encuentra en nuestro Portal de Soporte o nuestro Canal de Youtube. COMPLETE MY PROFILE Ce bouton expirera dans 24 heures. S’il a expiré, demandez à recevoir un nouvel email de validation. Valider l’adresse email Almost welcome to the LefsetzLetter ... Trabajamos de Lunes a Viernes entre 9:00 AM y 18:30 PM (GMT-3), si nos envías alguna pregunta fuera de horario trataremos de responderte lo antes posible. 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended Due to this year’s unusually late winter weather, one additional yard waste collection has been added for all Champaign residents. All residents, in both the Orange Zone and Blue Zone, should place their yard waste materials at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on Monday, May 7, 2018. City crews Pour finaliser la création de votre compte Oracle, validez votre adresse email. Dear Alicaouzen, The Google Cloud Platform Team Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. Bonjour, If you’d like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. COMPLETE MY PROFILE Merci pour votre inscription chez PayPlug. Vous pouvez dès à présent commencer l’intégration et effectuer des simulations de paiement en mode TEST. Además, puedes ponerte en contacto nosotros a través de los siguientes canales: The Google Cloud Platform Team Nuestro objetivo es ayudarte y resolver con cualquier duda que tengas de la plataforma para que la aproveches al máximo y tus campañas sean un éxito! . COMPLETE MY PROFILE Thanks for joi85.95.235.15ning Glassdoor! The post 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended appeared first on City of Champaign. The GMC Group If you’d like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. See you in the cloud, Si tienes una duda o consulta, puedes revisar el material de ayuda que se encuentra en nuestro Portal de Soporte o nuestro Canal de Youtube. We look forward to helping you build what’s next. Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended Ce bouton expirera dans 24 heures. S’il a expiré, demandez à recevoir un nouvel email de validation. See you in the cloud, If you’d like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Need an easier way to get started? Explore this codelab to discover how to work with buckets and objects. Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. Además, puedes ponerte en contacto nosotros a través de los siguientes canales: Mi nombre es David y junto con mi equipo te queremos saludar y darte la bienvenida a GuruContact. Valider l’adresse email See you in the cloud, Bonjour, See you in the cloud, Cher/Chère yasschien, Generando una solicitud de soporte. Para esto debes ingresar a GuruContact y hacer clic en el botón Ce bouton expirera dans 24 heures. S’il a expiré, demandez à recevoir un nouvel email de validation. Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Merci pour votre inscription chez PayPlug. Vous pouvez dès à présent commencer l’intégration et effectuer des simulations de paiement en mode TEST. L’équipe de gestion des comptes Oracle Ce bouton expirera dans 24 heures. S’il a expiré, demandez à recevoir un nouvel email de validation. Special Bonus Report If you’d like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. Hola chama, ¿Cómo estás? Public Works Department News â€" City of Champaign The Google Cloud Platform Team Click here to confirm that this is the email address where you wish to receive your free Trade of the Day daily newsletter as well as other valuable advice from If you’d like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. Contents: Activer mon compte. Whether you’re creating storage buckets or changing storage classes, follow along with these guides to get step-by-step support. Rain Barrel & Compost Bin Truckload Sale Mr achraf bencharki: thank you for registering with our store! L’équipe de gestion des comptes Oracle Lane Closures for Tree Work Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Your Email Ticket ID: 13710023 As a thank you for signing up for Trade of the Day, here is a special bonus report, 10 Top Trades for a Massive Payday, detailing the top trades recommended from our trading experts at 24/7 Trader. Pour encaisser des paiements réels (mode LIVE) connectez-vous sur le portail de gestion pour y compléter votre dossier. If this is not correct, you do not need to do anything, simply delete this message. COMPLETE MY PROFILE Thank you for choosing Vodien Internet Solutions, Singapore’s Number 1 web hosting provider. Mi nombre es David y junto con mi equipo te queremos saludar y darte la bienvenida a GuruContact. COMPLETE MY PROFILE Cher/Chère yasschien, Merci, L’équipe de gestion des comptes Oracle Pour encaisser des paiements réels (mode LIVE) connectez-vous sur le portail de gestion pour y compléter votre dossier. Activate Account Cher/Chère yasschien, Pour encaisser des paiements réels (mode LIVE) connectez-vous sur le portail de gestion pour y compléter votre dossier. Enviando un correo Thanks again for visiting our store. Let us know if there is anything we can do to make your experience with us a better one! Nous avons reçu une demande de création d’un compte Oracle associé à votre adresse email. Si vous n’avez pas fait cette demande, envoyez une demande d’aide ou un email à l’adresse L’équipe de gestion des comptes Oracle Cualquier pregunta que tengas no dudes en contactarnos! You have successfully signed up for a National Arts Centre account. See you in the cloud, Check out our documentation to learn how to create and manage your projects. Sincerely, Respondiendo a este correo o escribiéndome a L'équipe PayPlug Generando una solicitud de soporte. Para esto debes ingresar a GuruContact y hacer clic en el botón Valider l’adresse email COMPLETE MY PROFILE We look forward to helping you build what’s next. 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended Due to this year’s unusually late winter weather, one additional yard waste collection has been added for all Champaign residents. All residents, in both the Orange Zone and Blue Zone, should place their yard waste materials at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on Monday, May 7, 2018. City crews 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended Due to this year’s unusually late winter weather, one additional yard waste collection has been added for all Champaign residents. All residents, in both the Orange Zone and Blue Zone, should place their yard waste materials at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on Monday, May 7, 2018. City crews The Google Cloud Platform Team Need an easier way to get started? Explore this codelab to discover how to work with buckets and objects. Nous avons reçu une demande de création d’un compte Oracle associé à votre adresse email. Si vous n’avez pas fait cette demande, envoyez une demande d’aide ou un email à l’adresse Merci, Everyone here at 24/7 Trader is excited about our daily trades. They are hand selected from some of the market’s most experienced and successful options trading experts including: Hilary Kramer, John Jagerson, Wade Hansen, Ken Trester, Sam Collins, and Serge Berger. Nuestro objetivo es ayudarte y resolver con cualquier duda que tengas de la plataforma para que la aproveches al máximo y tus campañas sean un éxito! . If you’d like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. Generando una solicitud de soporte. Para esto debes ingresar a GuruContact y hacer clic en el botón See you in the cloud, vanden-Heuvel-signature Mi nombre es David y junto con mi equipo te queremos saludar y darte la bienvenida a GuruContact. Merci pour votre inscription chez PayPlug. Vous pouvez dès à présent commencer l’intégration et effectuer des simulations de paiement en mode TEST. Activer mon compte. Nuestro objetivo es ayudarte y resolver con cualquier duda que tengas de la plataforma para que la aproveches al máximo y tus campañas sean un éxito! . Ce bouton expirera dans 24 heures. S’il a expiré, demandez à recevoir un nouvel email de validation. Recent Posts At any time you can log into your account to check order status, update your billing information, add multiple delivery addresses, and much more. To log in, use the link below: Learn the basics of buckets. Si tienes una duda o consulta, puedes revisar el material de ayuda que se encuentra en nuestro Portal de Soporte o nuestro Canal de Youtube. Valider l’adresse email Cualquier pregunta que tengas no dudes en contactarnos! 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended The Google Cloud Platform Team Valider l’adresse email 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended Activate your Glassdoor account by clicking the button below Respondiendo a este correo o escribiéndome a Nuestro objetivo es ayudarte y resolver con cualquier duda que tengas de la plataforma para que la aproveches al máximo y tus campañas sean un éxito! . Dear Trader, Cualquier pregunta que tengas no dudes en contactarnos! The Google Cloud Platform Team If you encounter any issues, please visit our help center. Nous avons reçu une demande de création d’un compte Oracle associé à votre adresse email. Si vous n’avez pas fait cette demande, envoyez une demande d’aide ou un email à l’adresse Bonjour, Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended Además, puedes ponerte en contacto nosotros a través de los siguientes canales: Mi nombre es David y junto con mi equipo te queremos saludar y darte la bienvenida a GuruContact. See you in the cloud, COMPLETE MY PROFILE Bonjour, Copyright � 2018 The GMC Group Merci pour votre inscription chez PayPlug. Vous pouvez dès à présent commencer l’intégration et effectuer des simulations de paiement en mode TEST. Enviando un correo Check out our documentation to learn how to create and manage your projects. VIEW GUIDES Bonjour, COMPLETE MY PROFILE Merci pour votre inscription chez PayPlug. Vous pouvez dès à présent commencer l’intégration et effectuer des simulations de paiement en mode TEST. Sales Team We look forward to helping you build what’s next. Respondiendo a este correo o escribiéndome a Cher/Chère yasschien, Pour finaliser la création de votre compte Oracle, validez votre adresse email. We look forward to helping you build what’s next. Pour encaisser des paiements réels (mode LIVE) connectez-vous sur le portail de gestion pour y compléter votre dossier. Thank you Si tienes una duda o consulta, puedes revisar el material de ayuda que se encuentra en nuestro Portal de Soporte o nuestro Canal de Youtube. Your Account ID is 5389816. Please save for this for future reference. Explore how-to guides. Hola chama, ¿Cómo estás? COMPLETE MY PROFILE We look forward to helping you build what’s next. We hope you'll appreciate and continue to support The Nation's fiercely independent, no-holds-barred journalism which has been instigating progress in the US since 1865. We look forward to helping you build what’s next. Thank you, The Google Cloud Platform Team See you in the cloud, Merci, Activate Account Thank you for choosing Vodien Internet Solutions, Singapore’s Number 1 web hosting provider. Trabajamos de Lunes a Viernes entre 9:00 AM y 18:30 PM (GMT-3), si nos envías alguna pregunta fuera de horario trataremos de responderte lo antes posible. Ce bouton expirera dans 24 heures. S’il a expiré, demandez à recevoir un nouvel email de validation. Si tienes una duda o consulta, puedes revisar el material de ayuda que se encuentra en nuestro Portal de Soporte o nuestro Canal de Youtube. See you in the cloud, The Google Cloud Platform Team The post 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended appeared first on City of Champaign. Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. Trabajamos de Lunes a Viernes entre 9:00 AM y 18:30 PM (GMT-3), si nos envías alguna pregunta fuera de horario trataremos de responderte lo antes posible. If you’d like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. If you’d like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. Enviando un correo Saludos!!!! Enviando un correo Hola chama, ¿Cómo estás? Cualquier pregunta que tengas no dudes en contactarnos! * lefsetzletter Enviando un correo Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. Pour finaliser la création de votre compte Oracle, validez votre adresse email. Merci, Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Contents: share on Twitter Like 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended on Facebook Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. L'équipe PayPlug Respondiendo a este correo o escribiéndome a Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. Pour finaliser la création de votre compte Oracle, validez votre adresse email. Si tienes una duda o consulta, puedes revisar el material de ayuda que se encuentra en nuestro Portal de Soporte o nuestro Canal de Youtube. The Google Cloud Platform Team Saludos!!!! We look forward to helping you build what’s next. Without this confirmation, you will not receive any newsletters. Saludos!!!! Activer mon compte. Special Bonus Report Generando una solicitud de soporte. Para esto debes ingresar a GuruContact y hacer clic en el botón Mr achraf bencharki: thank you for registering with our store! We look forward to helping you build what’s next. Dear achraf, The Google Cloud Platform Team Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. Ce bouton expirera dans 24 heures. S’il a expiré, demandez à recevoir un nouvel email de validation. Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Activer mon compte. Someone, hopefully you, has subscribed your email address to the following newsletter: Apr 20, 2018 12:53 pm | Kris Koester Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Activate your Glassdoor account by clicking the button below Además, puedes ponerte en contacto nosotros a través de los siguientes canales: Respondiendo a este correo o escribiéndome a Nuestro objetivo es ayudarte y resolver con cualquier duda que tengas de la plataforma para que la aproveches al máximo y tus campañas sean un éxito! . Devonshire Drive Lane Closure L'équipe PayPlug Prospect Avenue Lane Closure Devonshire Drive Lane Closure Ce bouton expirera dans 24 heures. S’il a expiré, demandez à recevoir un nouvel email de validation. Generando una solicitud de soporte. Para esto debes ingresar a GuruContact y hacer clic en el botón 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended Activer mon compte. Apr 20, 2018 12:53 pm | Kris Koester Nous avons reçu une demande de création d’un compte Oracle associé à votre adresse email. Si vous n’avez pas fait cette demande, envoyez une demande d’aide ou un email à l’adresse L'équipe PayPlug Trabajamos de Lunes a Viernes entre 9:00 AM y 18:30 PM (GMT-3), si nos envías alguna pregunta fuera de horario trataremos de responderte lo antes posible. Pour finaliser la création de votre compte Oracle, validez votre adresse email. Saludos!!!! Congratulations! You are now just one step away from receiving your daily trades sent directly to your inbox. Bonjour, P.S. The Nation depends on readers for financial support. Please consider a low-cost digital or print subscription. All subscriptions can be linked and delivered to any Apple or Android tablet or smartphone. Another way to support our journalism is to donate to The Nation. Bonjour, If you’d like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. As a thank you for signing up for Trade of the Day, here is a special bonus report, 10 Top Trades for a Massive Payday, detailing the top trades recommended from our trading experts at 24/7 Trader. As a thank you for signing up for Trade of the Day, here is a special bonus report, 10 Top Trades for a Massive Payday, detailing the top trades recommended from our trading experts at 24/7 Trader. Trabajamos de Lunes a Viernes entre 9:00 AM y 18:30 PM (GMT-3), si nos envías alguna pregunta fuera de horario trataremos de responderte lo antes posible. COMPLETE MY PROFILE L’équipe de gestion des comptes Oracle VIEW GUIDES The Google Cloud Platform Team Cher/Chère yasschien, Copyright � 2018 The GMC Group Saludos!!!! We look forward to helping you build what’s next. Thank you for writing to the Sales Department! We have received your request and a ticket has been created for you. Pour encaisser des paiements réels (mode LIVE) connectez-vous sur le portail de gestion pour y compléter votre dossier. Hola chama, ¿Cómo estás? 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended If you encounter any issues, please visit our help center. Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. L’équipe de gestion des comptes Oracle Merci, Cher/Chère yasschien, Trabajamos de Lunes a Viernes entre 9:00 AM y 18:30 PM (GMT-3), si nos envías alguna pregunta fuera de horario trataremos de responderte lo antes posible. General Press Releases â€" City of Champaign Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Nous avons reçu une demande de création d’un compte Oracle associé à votre adresse email. Si vous n’avez pas fait cette demande, envoyez une demande d’aide ou un email à l’adresse Apr 20, 2018 12:53 pm | Kris Koester Además, puedes ponerte en contacto nosotros a través de los siguientes canales: If this is correct, please click the following link to confirm your subscription. Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. The post 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended appeared first on City of Champaign. Someone, hopefully you, has subscribed your email address to the following newsletter: Trabajamos de Lunes a Viernes entre 9:00 AM y 18:30 PM (GMT-3), si nos envías alguna pregunta fuera de horario trataremos de responderte lo antes posible. Use our how-to guides to get familiar with Cloud Storage. The Google Cloud Platform Team Si tienes una duda o consulta, puedes revisar el material de ayuda que se encuentra en nuestro Portal de Soporte o nuestro Canal de Youtube. Hola chama, ¿Cómo estás? Learn the basics of buckets. See you in the cloud, Nous avons reçu une demande de création d’un compte Oracle associé à votre adresse email. Si vous n’avez pas fait cette demande, envoyez une demande d’aide ou un email à l’adresse COMPLETE MY PROFILE Merci, National Arts Centre Thank you If this is correct, please click the following link to confirm your subscription. As a thank you for signing up for Trade of the Day, here is a special bonus report, 10 Top Trades for a Massive Payday, detailing the top trades recommended from our trading experts at 24/7 Trader. As a thank you for signing up for Trade of the Day, here is a special bonus report, 10 Top Trades for a Massive Payday, detailing the top trades recommended from our trading experts at 24/7 Trader. Vodien Internet Solutions Pte Ltd 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. You now have 12 months and USD$300 in credit to spend. To get started, please answer a few quick questions about your goals and interests. The Google Cloud Platform Team The Google Cloud Platform Team Valider l’adresse email See you in the cloud, Mi nombre es David y junto con mi equipo te queremos saludar y darte la bienvenida a GuruContact. Activer mon compte. If you’d like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. Dear achraf, Pour encaisser des paiements réels (mode LIVE) connectez-vous sur le portail de gestion pour y compléter votre dossier. The post 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended appeared first on City of Champaign. Enviando un correo Pour finaliser la création de votre compte Oracle, validez votre adresse email. Based on your answers, we’ll send relevant resources to help you get the most out of GCP. Be sure to check your communication preferences so you can receive these emails. Katrina vanden Heuvel Merci pour votre inscription chez PayPlug. Vous pouvez dès à présent commencer l’intégration et effectuer des simulations de paiement en mode TEST. 2018 Spring Yard Waste Collection Extended Due to this year’s unusually late winter weather, one additional yard waste collection has been added for all Champaign residents. All residents, in both the Orange Zone and Blue Zone, should place their yard waste materials at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on Monday, May 7, 2018. City crews Your ticket will be assigned to one of our sales officers for a review and we will attend to you within (1) working day. For urgent matters, please contact us via our 24/7 hotline. Pour finaliser la création de votre compte Oracle, validez votre adresse email. Sign Up Successful Nous avons reçu une demande de création d’un compte Oracle associé à votre adresse email. Si vous n’avez pas fait cette demande, envoyez une demande d’aide ou un email à l’adresse Rain Barrel & Compost Bin Truckload Sale L'équipe PayPlug Best Regards, If you’d like to start exploring now, take a look at our recommendations for getting started, or you can go straight into your GCP console. See you in the cloud, Thanks again for signing up for The Nation's email updates. Your first newsletter will arrive soon. Activer mon compte. As a thank you for signing up for Trade of the Day, here is a special bonus report, 10 Top Trades for a Massive Payday, detailing the top trades recommended from our trading experts at 24/7 Trader. Generando una solicitud de soporte. Para esto debes ingresar a GuruContact y hacer clic en el botón Grâce à l'arrivée du cinéma parlant, l'industrie cinématographique subit sans encombre le début de la Grande Dépression. Mais, dès 1931, la fréquentation des salles baisse. La crise provoque un chômage massif parmi les artistes et les acteurs des années 1930, entraînant des grèves et la création de syndicats d'acteurs et de scénaristes, la Screen Actors Guild et la Writers Guild of America. Le New Deal mis en place par le président Franklin D. Roosevelt comporte un volet culturel visant à aider les artistes en difficulté. Toutefois, même pendant sa faillite, Paramount ne diminue pas le nombre de ses productions8. À la suite du Code de production de 1930 et des opérations de restructurations et de fusions qui marquent les années 1929-1931, les Big Five, c'est-à-dire les cinq grandes compagnies des majors dominent le nouveau marché de la série A (Fox, Paramount, Metro-Goldwyn Mayer, R.K.O. et Warner Bros), tandis que les Little Three (en)[Quoi ?] (qui sont aussi majors mais ne possèdent pas de salles) Columbia, Universal (la troisième étant United Artists) se spécialisent dans la série B dans son terme économique et non artistique, à savoir un film dont les critères économiques sont basés sur un budget moins conséquent8,9. Pendant les années 1930, du fait de la baisse durable de la fréquentation des salles (notamment avec la hausse du prix d'entrée, ces salles devant s'équiper pour le sonore) et de la hausse du coût de production d'un film (tournage en extérieur plus compliqué à cause des bruits, développement de studios nécessitant des moyens plus lourds, multiplication des prises)4, les bénéfices chutent, provoquant une situation financière catastrophique des compagnies de production8. La RKO fait faillite et se trouve rachetée en 19319. Malgré cette situation, Hollywood produit plus de 5 000 films, les majors imposant le système du block booking10. Les grands financiers prêtent les fonds nécessaires et se renforcent dans les conseils d'administration des compagnies de cinéma hollywoodien9. Les années de guerre profitent au contraire du boom économique du pays et de la standardisation de la production. Jusqu'en 1946, l'industrie cinématographie connaît une forte prospérité économique8. Les films des années 1930 s'intéressent aux problèmes sociaux et au sort des plus démunis11 : Les Raisins de la colère et Qu'elle était verte ma vallée qui retrace la vie des mineurs du Pays de Galles, de John Ford. Certains films de Charlie Chaplin dénoncent la montée du fascisme (Le Dictateur en 1940) et les conditions de travail des ouvriers (Les Temps modernes en 1936). Les comédies de Frank Capra, bien que légères, critiquent les excès du capitalisme sauvage12 : L'Extravagant Mr. Deeds (1936), Vous ne l'emporterez pas avec vous (1938), M.. Smith au Sénat (1939). Toutefois, à côté des films ambitieux que l'histoire a retenu, Hollywood produit une foule de films comiques (les Marx Brothers), comédies musicales aux mises en scène brillantes interprétées par des artistes prestigieux (Fred Astaire et Ginger Rogers), mélodrames, westerns de série B, films d'horreur et films de gangsters (Scarface, 1932, Les Anges aux figures sales, 1938). Le glamour et son mythique « baiser hollywoodien » se porte également à merveille avec des stars comme Marlene Dietrich, Jean Harlow, Rita Hayworth ou la provocante Mae West qui scandalise les ligues de vertu et parvient à contourner la censure du code Hays. À la fin des années 1930 et pendant la guerre, le Technicolor donne ses premières couleurs au cinéma américain (Le Magicien d'Oz, Autant en emporte le vent, 1939), alors que le film noir, inspiré des romans de Hammett ou Chandler connaît un fort développement (Le Faucon maltais, 1941) et succède au film de gangsters des années trente. Le Technicolor permet aussi la réalisation du premier long-métrage d'animation marquant de l'histoire, Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains, réalisé par les studios Disney, permettant à Walt Disney de devenir une figure majeure du cinéma américain avec d'autres films comme Pinocchio ou Fantasia. Lié à l'effort de guerre, Hollywood travaille avec l'Office d'information de la guerre (OWI), produisant des films de propagande (Dive Bomber, 1941) et des films d'espionnage13. Si Casablanca joue un rôle allant dans le sens de l'engagement du pays dans la guerre13, Orson Welles n'en révolutionne pas moins le 7e art avec Citizen Kane. Après la guerre, le cinéma est soupçonné d'activités antiaméricaines par une Commission parlementaire (1947). La chasse aux sorcières qui s'ensuit détruit la carrière de nombreux artistes (Liste noire de Hollywood). À la même époque, le système de production et de distribution est démantelé par le ministère de la justice appuyé par la Cour suprême, en application de la loi antitrust (1948)14. Les compagnies doivent désormais séparer leurs activités de production et de gestion de salles de cinéma. De plus, le développement des agents comme Lew Wasserman casse le système qui liait les stars aux studios dont certains acceptent de donner une partie de leur profit à leurs vedettes5. Les revenus chutent dès 1947, tandis que les coûts de production ne cessent d'augmenter, provoquant une diminution durable des recettes et donc du nombre des productions. <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>admin</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2018-04-25T13:27:00-07:00'>1:27 PM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1723211267'> <a href='' 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