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Friday, April 13, 2018
CBD.CIinicaLTriaI_Signup Confirmation
RE: lea, You've_Been+SeLected.To Register for CBD.ClinicaLTriaIs financing, so that they are not compelled to sell the produce at distress price is also necessary. Supply of market information and extension services to advise farmers on marketing, capacity-building in marketing; development of marketing linkages between farmers, agribusinesses and large retailers may be developed through cooperatives, contract farming or associations of stakeholders representing different interest groups like farmers, input suppliers, agricultural produce processers, etc. 4.11. Highlights of Major Schemes Implemented in the State: The State has taken all efforts to increase agricultural production, enhance productivity and explore the untapped potential. The Central Government also supplements the efforts of the State through implementation of Centrally Sponsored and Central Sector Schemes. Development of wasteland/degraded land and improving rainfed farming is crucial towards attaining self sufficiency in crop production. Towards achieving this goal, various area and location specific programmes viz., Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP), Integrated Wasteland Development Programme (IWDP), Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP), National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA) are being implemented in the State over a period of time on watershed basis with the participatory approach. During 2012-13, the total area treated under these programmes was 1.47 lakh hectares at a cost of Rs. 186.13 crores. With a view to improve the yield rate and production of rice, System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is being implemented in the State. During 2012-13, it had adopted the whole village concept in 1,719 villages covering an area of 1.68 lakh hectares. During 2013-14, the scheme would be implemented in 2,000 villages covering an area of 1.90 lakh hectares. Table No. 4.22 Value of Agricultural Produce sold by Marketing Co-operative Societies (Rs. Crores) Commodities 2012-13 2013-14 ( upto Oct 2013) Foodgrains 20.14 3.35 Cotton 241.95 30.01 Spices 91.19 17.75 Oilseeds 73.78 11.34 Chilies 4.49 0.74 Others 120.35 99.40 Total 551.90 162.59 Source: Registrar of Co-operative Marketing, Chennai - 10. 69 To enhance the production of rice and pulses on mission mode approach, the National Food Security Mission (NFSM) is implemented since 2007-08. Under the scheme Rs.22.87 crores was spent during 2012-13 towards promotion of rice in five districts viz., Thiruvarur, Nagapattinam, Sivagangai, Pudukkottai and Ramanathapuram. Under this programme, it was contemplated to improve pulses production in all districts except Chennai and The Nilgiris. Various activities were taken up at a cost of Rs. 14.76 crores. With the aim to increase productivity of oilseeds, pulses, oil palm and maize, the Integrated Scheme for Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil palm and Maize (ISOPOM) is implemented since 2004-05 with region specific strategies. From 2010-11 onwards, since pulses have been integrated with the NFSM, ISOPOM scheme was implemented only for oilseeds, oil palm and maize at a cost of Rs.18.51 crores during 2012-13. Under National Mission on Micro Irrigation, instillation of sprinkler irrigation for sugarcane, cotton, maize, pulses, groundnut and horticultural crops is taken up. During 2012-13 this scheme has been implemented by Tamil Nadu Horticulture Development Agency (TANHODA) at a cost of Rs. 135.34 crores benefiting an area of 26,538 hectares. It has been proposed to cover 47,800 hectare at an outlay of Rs. 372.84 crores in 2013-14. Under the World Bank aided programme IAMWARM, crop demonstration, distribution of agricultural implements, farmers training and capacity building are being taken up at an outlay of Rs. 98.00 crore. The total expenditure incurred upto 2012-13 was Rs. 81.27 crores. With the success in achieving an increase of 30 â" 50 percent in productivity due to adoption of high yielding/hybrid seeds, micro irrigation and fertigation in vegetables, turmeric, banana, precision farming is successfully implemented from 2008 onwards. During 2012-13, at 50 percent subsidy, it was implemented at a cost of Rs. 9.25 crore benefiting 4,961 hectares. For promotion of horticulture in rainfed area, Rainfed Area Development Programme (RADP) was implemented in 2,655 acres at a cost of Rs. 8.79 crores during 2012-13. Towards augmenting mechanization in agriculture under National Agricultural Development Programme (NADP) subsidy assistance to individual farmers for purchasing agricultural machinery so as to take up timely sowing, transplanting, weeding, plant protection and harvesting and to overcome the acute farm workers scarcity during 2012-13 total subsidy assistance of Rs. 73.45 crore was provided to the farmers for purchasing 41,328 machineries for agriculture purposes. 4.12. A Way Forward: To meet the growing demand for agricultural produce and to ensure food security, the following measures are proposed:- For achieving a farm output growth of 5 percent, incremental productivity gains and technology diffusion are imperative. Agriculture growth targeted in the Five Year Plans has often not been achieved due to high degree of uncertainty of the monsoon. In this context, dry land farming, crop diversification and conservation of water through precision farming and waste land development are indispensible. For nutritional security, special thrust is required for higher production and productivity level in pulses, oilseeds and fruits and vegetables. Sufficient public sector investment in agriculture sector is central to agricultural planning. 70 Ground water is still perceived as individual property and is exploited inequitably and without any consideration to sustainability. It leads to over exploitation. This needs to be properly regulated. Existing resource infrastructure is not being properly maintained resulting in under utilization of available resources. Maintenance of existing water bodies may be assigned top most priority. Local bodies as well as stakeholders should be involved in the process. Encroachment and diversion of water bodies must not be allowed and wherever it has taken place it should be restored to the extent feasible. Water Users Associations should be given statutory power to collect and retain a portion of water charges and maintain the distribution system in their jurisdiction. A higher proportion of farmers rely on farm-saved seeds leading to low seed replacement rate. It is desirable to achieve the required and recommended seed replacement rate to accomplish higher production and productivity. There is skewness in the application of chemical fertilizers (NPK). There is overdose of nitrogenous and limited doses of phosphotic and potash fertilizers application. Farmers are to be educated enough to apply balanced application of fertilizers. It required appropriate price incentives. Cost-effective and productivity-enhancing System of Rice Intensification is to be implemented with efficacy and pragmatism. Reforms in extension services are needed to ensure smooth transfer of agriculture technology and information to the farming communities. Exhaustion of yield potential of high yielding varieties in rice is to be overcome. Post harvest value addition is to be improved and upgraded with adequate public investment. Efficient markets with a dynamic supply chain is indispensable for the development of the agricultural sector. With respect to horticulture, marketing initiatives are to be taken to promote modern terminal markets for fruits, vegetable and other perishables in the important urban centres. The terminal markets will operate on a hub-and-spoke format wherein the terminal markets are linked to a number of collection centres located in key production centres to allow easy access to farmers for marketing of their produce. There are wide yield gaps across the State. Agriculture production can be substantially increased if the yield gap will be addressed properly through technological and policy intervention. Awareness on crop insurance among the farmers may be enhanced. To sum up, agriculture development is predicated by improvement in farm production and productivity, better utilization of agriculture inputs, proper marketing infrastructure and support, stepping up of investment in agriculture with due regard and environmental concerns and efficient food management. Strategies of Tamil Nadu Vision 2023 The Tamil Nadu Vision 2023 has a three pronged strategies for improving productivity and thereby sustaining growth in agriculture production so as to meet the growing demand for the agricultural produce and as well as ensuring food security. The Strategies are: ⢠Improving productivity by introducing scientific agricultural methods and building an institutional network to support the continued adoption of the same. ⢠Ensuring timely irrigation by intelligent use of available water by adopting effective recharging mechanisms, drip/sprinkler irrigation systems, timely cleaning and deepening of tanks and canals, and adopting appropriate cropping pattern based on water availability. ⢠Developing suitable post harvest infrastructure to maximize the benefits of value addition and timely marketing of produce. The State will also extend agricultural extension activities to cover the entire farming community. Source: Vision Tamil Nadu 2023, Government of == Dear Students, Welcome back to campus! To both new and returning students, weâre glad you're here. Since Aug. 21, the University has received several concerning reports relating to student safety. Specifically, two students reported physical assaults in downtown Binghamton, multiple cases of theft were reported both on and off campus, and multiple incidents of intoxication have resulted in medical intervention. These reports are concerning. Your safety is a priority for me, and the campus is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for living and learning. As you navigate the campus and surrounding communities, keep these safety tips in mind: Safety tips ï· Be aware of predatory behavior. A predator might attempt to harm individuals: o wearing earbuds/headphones o walking alone or in small groups o clearly under the influence ï· Theft is a crime of opportunity. Things that might enable a thief include: o a bag or backpack left unattended, even for just a few moments o unattended laptops o unlocked residence hall doors o unlocked cars o easily accessible phones, including in back pockets ï· If hosting a party, ensure that your guests are safe and you have designated individuals who will remain sober to help others. Avoid alcoholic punches â" these are not safe for anyone. ï· Remember that underage drinking and serving underage individuals is against the law. Legal and student consequences are associated with underage drinking and serving underage individuals. ï· When out with friends, be aware of your surroundings and have a plan for getting to your destination and back home as a group. Don't leave anyone behind; check on each other. ï· Practice good bystander behavior. If you are in crowd and see something wrong, don't assume someone else is calling for help. Make the call yourself or go to the bouncer/bartender or a police officer â" and make sure Harpur's Ferry, local emergency and taxi cab numbers are in your phone. ï· Don't cause harm. ALWAYS call for help. Reporting to the appropriate agencies/authorities is strongly encouraged. The Good Samaritan policy at Binghamton is a longstanding tradition of taking care of each other. In cases of alcohol and prohibitive drug intoxication, the primary concern is the health and safety of the individual(s) involved. Individuals are strongly encouraged to call for medical assistance for themselves or for a friend/acquaintance who is suffering alcohol poisoning. No student seeking medical treatment for an alcohol or other drug-related overdose or other life-threatening medical emergency will be subject to University discipline for the sole violation of using or possessing alcohol or drugs. This policy shall extend to another student seeking help for the intoxicated student or the student who is facing a life-threatening medical emergency. Find the complete policy online. Resources ï· A fully empowered, state law enforcement agency. The University Police are trained to address the unique needs of our diverse campus. Community police agencies in Binghamton, Johnson City, Vestal and Endicott are also resources. ï· Harpurâs Ferry Volunteer Ambulance Service ï· University Police presentations on campus safety, party safety, personal safety and self-defense classes ï· An on-campus safe-ride escort program that operates from 9 a.m. to 3 a.m., seven days a week ï· Mandatory new-student prevention programs relating to sexual assaults ï· Our Office of Alcohol and Other Drugs Prevention Programs and Services ï· The University Counseling Center ï· Case Management services through the Dean of Students Office I encourage you check out additional information on campus safety on our website. But more important than these resources are the actions that you take as students. As members of the Binghamton University community, you have a responsibility to demonstrate respectful behavior to others and to look out for your fellow Bearcats! Together, we can create a campus that boasts an environment that is safe and secure. I wish you a productive, enjoyable and safe semester. Sincerely, April Thompson Associate Vice President and Dean of Student ==== Adresse mentionnée dans votre profil Toute la correspondance sera envoyée à l'adresse mentionnée sur le formulaire de candidature. Veillez à informer le bureau des stages par courrier électronique de tout changement d'adresse. Cette adresse sera utilisée tant dans la proposition de stage que pour le traitement administratif de votre dossier et sera considérée comme votre lieu de recrutement. Candidats sélectionnés Si vous êtes sélectionné(e), vous recevrez une proposition par courrier électronique indiquant la période de votre stage et le service dans lequel vous travaillerez. Il vous sera demandé de fournir les documents suivants à l'appui des informations figurant dans le formulaire de candidature: une copie lisible de votre passeport ou de votre carte d'identité, une copie de vos diplômes ou titres officiels, le cas échéant, la preuve, le cas échéant, de votre expérience professionnelle, une preuve ou une déclaration motivée de la connaissance des langues indiquées dans le formulaire de candidature. Conservez une copie de tous les documents que vous adressez au bureau des stages. N'envoyez pas les originaux de vos diplômes. Après vérification des pièces justificatives, le bureau des stages vous fera parvenir une convention de stage à signer. Aucun autre accord ni aucune autre convention (avec votre université, par exemple) ne seront signés. Candidats non sélectionnés Si vous n'êtes pas sélectionné(e), vous en serez informé(e) par courrier électronique à l'issue de la procédure de sélection. Vous pourrez déposer une nouvelle candidature pendant la période de dépôt des candidatures suivante. 3. Stages destinés aux étudiants d'écoles d'administration nationales Les demandes doivent être adressées au directeur des ressources humaines du Conseil par l'école d'administration nationale des candidats. Contactez le bureau des stages pour plus d'informations. Correspondant: Pour de plus amples informations, vous pouvez contacter le bureau des stages: Envoyer un courrier électronique Tél.: +32 22813677
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