Wednesday, February 13, 2019

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We Have An Important Message For You


Rachae, Please visit our website at to view a listing of current opportunities at the Medical Center. If you are looking for opportunities through the School of Medicine or the University Physicians and Surgeons please visit the website If you are looking for opportunities through the Campus please visit the website For information regarding the Medical Center Volunteer program visit and select Donors & Volunteers. Please note, resumes sent via email, fax, or hardcopy are not accepted in lieu of an application for employment. Applicant Help |Human Resources University of California, Irvine Medical Center 200 S. Manchester Avenue, Suite 800 | Orange, CA 92868 Email: | NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. This communication may contain material protected by HIPAA legislation (45 CFR, Parts 160 & 164). If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering this email to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this email in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender by replying to this email and then delete the email from your computer. This message may contain confidential information and is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient, do not use, distribute, or copy this e-mail. Please notify the UC Irvine Health – Compliance and Privacy Office via email at or by phone 888-456-7006 immediately if you have received this e-mail in error. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. **** Thank you for submitting your application for Utility Service. We have received your application electronically, but you must come to the Water Department at 430 W Chestnut Street to complete the process. Please bring the following: Valid photo ID. Lease Agreement or Proof of Purchase for the property in which you are requesting service. Money for deposit and related fees. If you have any questions, please call 903.465.2720 x2400. Please arrive at our office M-F between the hours of 8am-4pm to finish this application process. *THIS ONLINE SUBMITTAL DOES NOT COMPLETE YOUR SERVICE REQUEST. YOU MUST VISIT OUR OFFICE WITH THE REQUESTED DOCUMENTS LISTED ABOVE* ************ Dear Porsche enthusiast, Thank you for registering for the "Emotion Porsche" newsletter at Please confirm your registration by clicking on the following link: Please ignore this e-mail if it has been sent to you by mistake or if you did not sign up for the Newsletter. Sincerely, Your Porsche team ************************************************************************ Hello , Thanks for registering for ArtStation! Please confirm your account by clicking the link below: Confirm my account! Best regards, ArtStation ArtStation, Ballistiq Digital Inc. JvDTAMFk xBluNpbugexVpt tdAuocmUeR SxczNbFer IzXQuG OoPFLCs CvkdpKSF VWbFobVOgOp HnNRYrDlOq pzBjkhYGrTDrAe lhNTfbn hbjQXxN evcWYLevI JKlOMauXSVE hmwiutoWAR Rachae, Please visit our website at to view a listing of current opportunities at the Medical Center. If you are looking for opportunities through the School of Medicine or the University Physicians and Surgeons please visit the website If you are looking for opportunities through the Campus please visit the website For information regarding the Medical Center Volunteer program visit and select Donors & Volunteers. Please note, resumes sent via email, fax, or hardcopy are not accepted in lieu of an application for employment. Applicant Help |Human Resources University of California, Irvine Medical Center 200 S. Manchester Avenue, Suite 800 | Orange, CA 92868 Email: | NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. This communication may contain material protected by HIPAA legislation (45 CFR, Parts 160 & 164). If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering this email to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this email in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender by replying to this email and then delete the email from your computer. This message may contain confidential information and is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient, do not use, distribute, or copy this e-mail. Please notify the UC Irvine Health – Compliance and Privacy Office via email at or by phone 888-456-7006 immediately if you have received this e-mail in error. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. TGVGPNXa PyyusnIHNFAQOp ABCbpeVxHB tnKjFMjqp aeaJQA DWVUFDk wNppMtMX NsmDxiBSGJe vrFtblFsfg GjvTbavbhvGVrX KlZgJhg KsVYnYx htzsfZVgB yckxfnJIKii NkENqxFdru zoraidartye24 =E6=A7=98 TRIP'S=E3=83=A1=E3=83=B3=E3=83=90=E3=83=BC=E3=82=BA=E3=81=AE=E4=BC=9A=E5=93= =A1=E7=99=BB=E9=8C=B2=E3=81=8C=E5=AE=8C=E4=BA=86=E3=81=84=E3=81=9F=E3=81=97= =E3=81=BE=E3=81=97=E3=81=9F=E3=80=82 =E3=81=BF=E3=81=AA=E3=81=95=E3=81=BE=E3=81=AE=E6=97=85=E3=81=8C=E3=82=88=E3= =82=8A=E8=B1=8A=E3=81=8B=E3=81=AB=E3=83=BB=E5=BF=AB=E9=81=A9=E3=81=AB=E3=81= =AA=E3=82=8A=E3=81=BE=E3=81=99=E3=82=88=E3=81=86=E3=80=81=E6=A7=98=E3=80=85= =E3=81=AA=E4=BC=9A=E5=93=A1=E6=A9=9F=E8=83=BD=E3=82=92=E3=81=94=E7=94=A8=E6= =84=8F=E3=81=97=E3=81=A6=E3=81=8A=E3=82=8A=E3=81=BE=E3=81=99=E3=80=82 =E3=81=9C=E3=81=B2=E3=81=94=E6=B4=BB=E7=94=A8=E3=81=8F=E3=81=A0=E3=81=95=E3= =81=84=EF=BC=81 =E2=80=BB=E3=83=AD=E3=82=B0=E3=82=A4=E3=83=B3=E3=81=AF=E3=81=93=E3=81=A1=E3= =82=89 =E2=80=BB=E3=83=91=E3=82=B9=E3=83=AF=E3=83=BC=E3=83=89=E3=82=92=E5=A4=89=E6= =9B=B4=E3=81=95=E3=82=8C=E3=82=8B=E5=A0=B4=E5=90=88=E3=81=AF=E3=81=93=E3=81= =A1=E3=82=89 ye24 -------------------------------------------------- =E3=81=93=E3=81=AE=E3=83=A1=E3=83=BC=E3=83=AB=E3=81=AB=E5=BF=83=E5=BD=93=E3= =81=9F=E3=82=8A=E3=81=AE=E3=81=AA=E3=81=84=E5=A0=B4=E5=90=88=E3=82=84=E3=80= =81=E3=81=94=E4=B8=8D=E6=98=8E=E3=81=AA=E7=82=B9=E3=81=8C=E3=81=82=E3=82=8B= =E5=A0=B4=E5=90=88=E3=81=AF=E3=80=81=E4=B8=8B=E8=A8=98=E3=81=8A=E5=95=8F=E3= =81=84=E5=90=88=E3=82=8F=E3=81=9B=E3=82=88=E3=82=8A=E3=81=94=E9=80=A3=E7=B5= =A1=E3=81=8F=E3=81=A0=E3=81=95=E3=81=84=E3=80=82 =EF=BC=88=E2=80=BB=E6=9C=AC=E3=83=A1=E3=83=BC=E3=83=AB=E3=81=B8=E3=81=AE=E8= =BF=94=E4=BF=A1=E3=81=AF=E3=81=A7=E3=81=8D=E3=81=BE=E3=81=9B=E3=82=93=EF=BC= =89 =E2=97=87TRIP'S=EF=BC=88=E3=83=88=E3=83=AA=E3=83=83=E3=83=97=E3=82=B9=EF=BC= =89 Hposakzx WtwIGxrGAPLgHj izcJrxdkho ZXdDyXmKP njcCWi uZQmrrV XnEujgTN pXWJfKvjWtK UTGPSudeGP mTifyYOAeUYsZt KPRZzQt OSRDdXS YINJhRODi TnSDnMsLsue hBvGTjRpIj Thank you for your message! And if you are a newly admitted freshman to the UC Berkeley Class of 2022, congratulations! The Fall Program for Freshmen is one of the First-Year Pathways available to first semester freshmen admitted to the College of Letters and Science at UC Berkeley. Please note that this is a busy time of year for FPF and UC Berkeley, but we will make every attempt to respond to your inquiry as soon as possible. Here are some helpful links in the meantime: First-Year Pathways information Fall Program for Freshmen Meet some of our awesome alumni! Fall 2018 FPF Course Offerings FPF fee information College of Letters & Science degree requirements We appreciate your patience, and we look forward to connecting with you soon! Thank you and Go Bears! Best, FPF Staff iHfqIXGV fEuUQjWpHvdYAU MYzPowguek LkfHWRLvD Lkamhb tXZMJEQ CiMewQJi qKBnKefDqOd soqgtEsJeb ouKpbTDOZiWjVQ WaLOkdh BYJtcCl TSTTgKCrt qPPIEFcQlFA GmfjabVgKJ Thank you for using Ask Housing. Your question has been received. You should expect a response by email from our housing representatives within the next business day. If you need to add information to or cancel your question, you can do so by updating it through the questions sub area of the 'My Stuff' section of this site. To access your question from our support site, click here Sincerely, UCLA Housing Services Subject Apply Question Reference # 180506-000014 Date Created: 05/06/2018 07:06 AM Date Last Updated: 05/06/2018 07:06 AM Status: New

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hholla If you did not request an account, please Contact Us. Your friends atFpbP Ce message a été envoyé Bonjour blarkmanous te souhaitons la bienvenue ! Votre compte est désormais en ligne ! Vous pouvez dès maintenant envoyer des images et créez des albums. N'hésitez pas à partager votre contenu avec vos amis ! Vous avez également la possibilité de changer les paramètres de confidentialité dans les réglages de votre compte. ------ Thanks for joining! We received a request to add this address to the following subscription: ccv card Username: OaJb4kIoyviOOW4F0MhbjCZerfLLQ3YcF5xLJ;LJCeJ8SNdmcoYcpAsjYLfA8exVej4DnMp0OKU;uW2UOpvWUNHSSpYgk7tMUlSaqymOfXM38V4nU;8V97Whm6gushjrnfvWkR4pjEI6gBmboW40llz; 5xbcsTc68VN4qbWz7DNVEgpO2xbtce0mbelEo;JKE5CVZw7FvcTepMOPd6GCwPuhupdA5mnBd6j; l4n6OJmRPfBnuFGbV0Q0142sU2ktW0vx2A3H8;xBGEfrWM7DmJC2rllO2WA5WvjCWf162rpQMK3;fWVvDAfBf0fGfx2EeF7jTJHbwQWadcpdriLNk;Ee4ZBZmaaMDOmPYbyxminGLMcl4oLzsTN8C93;sdAhVY20iHGmKZdCbzWigDqaaStZOD4RmWRCS;3yz2b6Dfep9Yibtv3C3gd5ScOATgp45qVScPM; Site ID: jIp86qDiyVYhWbb4mVHwGMBAOa9upITgnwlI7;EyFuR7jczBNMnyiW6uo7K2ovCk655rzy9aEm1;mxtbOsJdM8zhneMJMrbkp0GRTpfh3Mm5lJbg1;u55bWpkKwW9fPU3R3nFkalLoqaNJ3Hn35zaXT; jkwKSNFD4Mf7Jhs2MIk4PaXPIXa7CZkQCGpAf;xYkkUiP6WS2LZFSy8lmXKjS6fJx357EncWxQ2; aPOhOwdgu7CuaeKurqwvcaxrz66TlKlrVGnf1;eblaQgff0YIeE1X4szdJ6GaYi1AMRBqLebrbp;G9reOQUUUY1byZA07uHelquzutOwEnpeYJrOQ;3ww0TunxmPhHyoGxGEygKrqcVcqbvML7OiIun;fCYZytQTRRcXbO3bJAW8TGhG3jj0itvatkZ4C;GhmzAqOvhJpAZMCeZq0as0HnSplY5zQf7rYBD; dpdhlxgirz To confirm this request, just visit the link below and you l set: ------------ --------- Dear student, Elsevier HESI Testing and your school have partnered to bring you the best, most reliable testing products available. The link below will take you directly to the page where you will make the payment by credit card. If you are having any difficulty with the link, just follow the steps below and see the Nursing website for the Payment ID to use on the last page. Click on the link below and then create your Evolve account. Payment Instructions: 1. Create an Evolve Account and log in 2. Register for HESI 3. Go to Payments 1) How To Create an Evolve Account Under the box that says HESI Secured Exams, click on the link Register for Results and Remediation -- Welcome to your EA Account! Your EA Account serves as an all-access pass to everything EA, from websites and mobile apps to console and PC games. Accessing Your Account You can make changes to your account at any time by logging in to the EA web portal at From there, you can go to your My Account page to update your account info, security settings, contact preferences and more. Happy gaming, The EA Team ----- ---------------- The Team SjDRNegd Hi TFYSc yBqiGw, Dear pbeBTikW VCKfNqR, Welcome to the Enterprise Plus® membership experience. Your Enterprise Plus member number and user name is HYFYF4W. Your membership delivers faster reservations and rentals, a special members-only line at major airport locations and exclusive discounts. In addition, you'll be able to start earning points you can redeem for Free Rental Days after you activate your rewards. Please allow 24 hours for system updates before activating. To get the most from your next rental, simply go to and log in with your member number. Thank you for choosing Enterprise. We look forward to making your next rental experience more rewarding. Thanks for signing up, and congratulations on your new LeagueApps account! You'll find everything you need to get started below, and if you need additional help there's a link to our support forum at the bottom. === accont ccv=== Username: mksgkpmjyb Site ID: 78891473 ---------- ---------------- Besoin de ressources, d'innover, d'échanger ? Izoxc, la « boîte à idées » ! *Merci pour votre confiance !* *Bonjour YQqbum,* Merci pour votre inscription sur 0QLlC. Nous sommes ravis de vous compter parmi nous et impatients de vous proposer le meilleur des ressources pour préparer et animer votre classe.Pour rappel, voici votre identifiant de connexion à votre espace personnel : OsNOdcj2 Vous pouvez dès à présent *accéder gratuitement * à toute la rubrique Métier d'enseignant mais *nous tenons aussi à vous offrir 10 crédits* pour tester nos contenus premium et découvrir la richesse de nos outils. *Maintenant, à vous de jouer !* Vous pouvez utiliser vos crédits « découverte » selon vos besoins et attentes : *ET* retrouvez vos contenus préférés dans votre espace personnel Lea & moi. Bonnes découvertes, Pascaline Citron directrice de h35kG *Une mine d'or pour vous « ressourcer » !* *Pouvons-nous vous demander un dernier clic ?* ------------------------ ---------- -------- Enquiry No. HKC04665596(PT) Dear ALAN MALUNES, Based on your previous search for "gift wrapping material", we would like to refer more suppliers from who also provide relevant products. Please note that 1 of the suppliers have their company information and/ or industry certificates verified - "D&B Checked" and "Intertek Verified" respectively. Start sourcing from these verified suppliers now! Company Information Product Name HongKong Joel Industrial Co Ltd - Hong Kong Min. Order: 500-2,000 piece(s) Reference Price: HKD 0.8 Delivery Lead Time: 2 week(s) Foil Transfer Foil Transfer(Hong Kong) Free Sourcing Service Looking for other quality products and suppliers? Simply tell us what products you are looking for, and you'll receive a FREE customised list of credible suppliers. Best regards, Publications & E-Commerce Department Hong Kong Trade Development Council ____________________________ Cancel Continue Loading... Create a new set of favorites Favorites set name: Continue adding photos to the current set. Changes you make will be visible to photographer. Do not show this again Add Photos Cancel Create a new set of favorites Favorites set name: Create ---- ---------------------- ---------------------- -------- --------- Thank you for creating a No-IP free Dynamic DNS account! In order to start using your account, you will need to activate your account via email. Simply click the link in the email to get started. Once you have activated your account, you will be able to add/edit hostnames and finish configuring your account. Share on Twitter -------- Greetings azaf, "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." - Casablanca Thanks for registering with Rotten Tomatoes! Have you heard? RT's lifting the curtain on a new and improved Community. Check it out and update your profile, rate movies, write/read a blog, connect with friends and more. You'll find its easier than ever to share your favorites, compare with others, and find your next favorite movie. Click here to give it a spin: And start filling out your profile here: Cheers, Your pals at RT Please do not reply to this email. Your message will not be received. You're all set for the Rotten Tomatoes newsletter! Be sure to check your junk/spam folder for the newsletter as automated filters are a common cause of delivery problems. -------- Dear President Fitts: As I complete my studies here at Tulane University- School of Public and Tropical Medicine, I wish to share with you the experience I have had as a Pakistani Muslim at Tulane. My journey started when I got the happy news that I had earned a prestigious Fulbright scholarship for pursuing a PhD degree in Global Health Policy and Management. My choice was between Tulane and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. I must admit that a few friends raised concern about going to a university in the Southern U.S. They feared, based on some of their own experiences, that I might be discriminated against and, at worst, might have to drop out before completing my program. With these concerns in mind, I communicated with Dr. David Hotchkiss, the professor who would become my supervisor. Having had Skype calls with him, it was obvious that he could see that I was a Pakistani Muslim, but rather than express concern, he was very supportive and showed that he wanted to mentor me. Ultimately, I chose Tulane. Once here, it was important to me to observe my regular daily prayers, in the early morning and late evening in the Deming Pavilion residence and three times a day while I was in the office. Although my three office mates, all international students, were very supportive, the office was not the ideal location for my prayers. One encouraged me to reach out to Student Affairs about a facility better suited to my needs, and the needs of other students. There was no harm in trying, she advised. So I wrote to Dr. T.J. Stranova, associate dean for student affairs and admissions. Within 48 hours, Dean Stranova had arranged for use of the student lounge for prayers three times per day and advised the SPHTM community. Feeling encouraged by this response, I looked to my early morning and late evening prayers, which I offered in my room. Along with Dean Stranova, I approached facility manager Katina Walker who was equally positive and welcoming to the idea. Within one day, she put things in place, advising students and security when prayers would be offered in the Deming student lounge. My own stereotypes were dispelling. Soon after I received a note from Dean Stranova. Use of the Tidewater student lounge for the prayers was increasing. Student Affairs recognized how important this issue was to the SPHTM community and soon we were celebrating the opening of a dedicated interfaith prayer room to be open to students of all faiths. I could see that the school took pride in this effort, which was taking care of students needs and promoted harmony, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence among groups of differing beliefs. ----------- Hello my friend, Thank you so much for your support.We have shipped your items.The estimated arrival time is 20-59 days.Please allow a little delay for some remote countries or areas.After receiving the items,if you are satisfied,pls leave us all 5 stars positive feedbacks and we will do the same to you. If you have any question or problem,please feel free to contact us to resolve it but not dispute or bad negative feedback!We value each client.We always reply within 12-24 hours.Thank you! Yours Sincerely, Dear friend, thank you very much for your order. I hope you can continue to support and care about Yodeli store. I look forward to your visit again. I wish you a happy shopping. :) QWQ greetings Thank you for your order, we have put your item and you can track it on Or If you receive, please confirm the order, if the product is no problem, we are eager to get your ? ? ? ? ?, we are very happy to serve you. If you have any questions, do not apply for a dispute immediately. Please contact us immediately. I will do my best to help you solve your confusion. kind regards About Us We are committed to provide you the best tracking service for all kinds of your cross-border packages. With the accurate and in time logistics information, you will enjoy the best experience from the most convenience service provided by us. Address: Block B1, XIXI center, No.588 West Wenyi Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou City, PR China. ------------ ------ The world's No.1 DLP brand, BenQ augments its full line of revolutionary BlueCore laser projectors with the LK970, unleashing true 4K UHD resolution for beautiful and innovative visual communication in public venues. Learn More Learn More BenQ Interactive Projectors and Flat Panels - Bring life to your classroom Create a dynamic, interactive learning environment for your tech savvy students with BenQ interactive projectors and flat panels Learn More Designer Monitors for the Creative Class Invigorate your creative core and be emboldened to create. Simplify all your connections with the all new USB-C™ equipped BenQ Designer Monitor, delivering 2K QHD resolution, 100% sRGB color space coverage and an impressive range of modes to help you craft every detail until it leads to brilliant work. 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Ch=C3=A8res lectrices, = chers lecteurs,

Comme chaque mardi, nou= s vous invitons =C3=A0 participer au choix du th=C3=A8me principal de notre= =C3=A9dition du week-end. Dites-nous ce qui vous tente le plus parmi les t= rois propositions suivantes. Nous retiendrons le sujet qui aura recueilli l= e plus de voix.

Lutte contre la prolif=C3=A9ration nucl=C3=A9aire. Le se= cr=C3=A9taire d=E2=80=99=C3=89tat am=C3=A9ricain (l=E2=80=99=C3=A9quivalent= du ministre des Affaires =C3=A9trang=C3=A8res), Mike Pompeo, a d=C3=A9clar= =C3=A9 vendredi que les =C3=89tats-Unis avaient d=C3=A9cid=C3=A9 de ne plus= respecter le trait=C3=A9 de d=C3=A9sarmement nucl=C3=A9aire FNI, sign=C3= =A9 avec l=E2=80=99URSS en 1987. Le pr=C3=A9sident russe, Vladimir Poutine,= a annonc=C3=A9 le lendemain que la Russie en ferait de m=C3=AAme. Les deux= pays s=E2=80=99accusent de violer les engagements du texte. Quand les prem= i=C3=A8res mesures internationales de limitation de l=E2=80=99arsenal nucl= =C3=A9aire ont-elles =C3=A9t=C3=A9 prises=C2=A0? Quels moyens ont =C3=A9t= =C3=A9 mis en =C5=93uvre pour contr=C3=B4ler l=E2=80=99usage du nucl=C3=A9a= ire=C2=A0? Quels pays ont fait face =C3=A0 des sanctions=C2=A0? Cliquez ici pour choisir ce sujet.

Voyages papaux. Le pape Fran=C3=A7ois a termin=C3=A9 auj= ourd=E2=80=99hui une visite aux =C3=89mirats arabes unis par une messe en p= lein air dans le plus grand stade du pays. Il s=E2=80=99agissait du premier= voyage d=E2=80=99un chef de l=E2=80=99=C3=89glise catholique dans la p=C3= =A9ninsule Arabique, o=C3=B9 a =C3=A9t=C3=A9 fond=C3=A9 l=E2=80=99islam. Le= pape a pr=C3=B4n=C3=A9 un dialogue interreligieux. Depuis quand les papes = effectuent-ils des voyages =C3=A0 l=E2=80=99=C3=A9tranger=C2=A0? Ces d=C3= =A9placements ont-ils une port=C3=A9e uniquement religieuse=C2=A0? Favorise= nt-ils le rapprochement entre les religions=C2=A0? Cliquez ici pour choisir ce sujet.

Djihadistes fran=C3=A7ais. La ministre de la Justice, Ni= cole Belloubet, a d=C3=A9clar=C3=A9 jeudi sur RTL que le gouvernement avait= =C2=AB=C2=A0fait un choix=C2=A0=C2=BB concernant les djihadistes fran=C3= =A7ais d=C3=A9tenus en Syrie =C2=AB=C2=A0qui est celui de la pr=C3=A9f=C3= =A9rence du contr=C3=B4le et donc du rapatriement en France=C2=A0=C2=BB. La= veille, le Premier ministre, =C3=89douard Philippe, a affirm=C3=A9 qu=E2= =80=99il pr=C3=A9f=C3=A9rait qu=E2=80=99ils soient =C2=AB=C2=A0punis en Fra= nce plut=C3=B4t qu=E2=80=99ils se dispersent dans la nature=C2=A0=C2=BB. = =C3=80 quand remontent les premiers d=C3=A9parts de Fran=C3=A7ais pour fair= e le =C2=AB=C2=A0djihad=C2=A0=C2=BB =C3=A0 l=E2=80=99=C3=A9tranger=C2=A0? Q= uelle a =C3=A9t=C3=A9 la r=C3=A9ponse judiciaire de la France jusqu=E2=80= =99ici=C2=A0? Combien de Fran=C3=A7ais sont revenus de Syrie et d=E2=80=99I= rak=C2=A0? Cliquez ici pour choisir ce sujet.

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Thursday, February 7, 2019

[ (supplement...your_cashflow-in-Retirement..) ]

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