Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Did you forget to...

Is your checklist complete?

1 Dear Incoming Evening & Weekend MBA Students, On behalf of the Smith School and our Office of Career Services (OCS), I would like to welcome you to our program and congratulate you on making such a significant investment in your future! We are looking forward to your arrival, to the talents that you will bring, to the personal and professional development that you will attain, and to the contributions that you will make to the overall Smith School community. We are also excited about the potential value that our lates t cohort of MBA Terps will bring to our corporate and public - sector business partners. Our OCS mission is two - fold: (1) to provide students with transformational experiences that launch extraordinary career journeys; and (2) to partner with employers to i nfuse talent pipelines with exceptional Smith Terps. Successfully achieving these goals will require a focus on three key stakeholders: employers, students, and alumni. We view students and alumni as our partners, and employers as our clients or customer s. Our talent management model is one in which we truly serve as collaborators with you during your MBA journey. Although we are here to support and facilitate your professional growth and development, our belief is that our Smith MBA leaders will lead the way by remaining actively engaged in the career development process throughout your journey. Each year some MBA candidates enter our program already laser - focused on the career they want to pursue, while others are less advanced in their career discernme nt. Without exception, students who are most successful in the career process (i.e., gain multiple offers of employment) are those who actively engage the OCS early and participate in the full suite of professional development programming that is offered, develop strong relationships with their Career Coaches, leverage the employer information sessions to validate or discover an employer or industry of choice, balance career search and academic pursuits, and use every interaction as an opportunity to build a professional network. These students also possess a strong learning orientation, openness to feedback, resilience, a willingness to reflect, and a desire to practice and experiment with new behaviors and processes will be requisite for leadership and pro fessional success. The enclosed OCS Career On - Boarding Process is a comprehensive timeline that should guide your strategic career development efforts during your first year at the Smith School. Reference it often over the summer. Know that the entire Sm ith School community has a vested interest in positioning you for the future. We look forward to meeting you and partnering with you during your time at Smith . Dr. Jeff Kudisch Assistant Dean of Corporate Relations Managing Director, Office of Career Ser vices 2 OFFICE OF CAREER SERVICES ON - BOARDING PROCESS T he Office of Career Services (OCS) provides students with a variety of professional development services . Our on - board ing process serves as your roadmap in understanding the essential steps require d to ensure your career success. The Smith School Career Coaches serve the part time MBA student population by: ï‚· Providing high - level coaching to students on a wide range of career - related issues. ï‚· Advising students based upon their specific area of interes t. ï‚· Showing empathy/concern for your professional development and growth as well as addressing your feelings or frustrations. ï‚· Helping you to create a development action plan for achieving your career goals. A successful outcome in reaching your career dev elopment goals hinges upon the amount of effort you invest in the process starting at this very moment. OCS PART - TIME MBA INTAKE FORM: June 2016 Please complete a very short intake form that will enable your OCS coach to le arn more about you. Please complete this intake form prior to moving on to the next step. ORDER SMITH BUSINESS CARD S AND NAME TAGS: June 201 6 Smith business cards and personalized name tags are optional for all students at the Smith School; however, we recommend that you take a few minutes to order these items to top off your professional persona with employers, alumni and fellow students. Links to these sites can be found on the MPO checklist for your reference. ESTABLISH YOUR HIRESMITH PROFILE: July 201 6 We stro ngly encourage you to create your HireSmith profile so you will have access to workshop information, coach schedules, employer postings, and several other resources that will aid you in your career development. To access HireSmith, visit . UPDATE RESUME: August 201 6 We encourage you to create a first draft of your resume according to the Smith MBA Resume Guidelines located on HireSmith in order to be eligible for opportunities that may appear on HireSmith. It often takes a few weeks to revise the resume to get it employer - ready, thus it is important that you do not wait until the last minute to submit these documents for feedback and revisions. 3 SCHEDULE AN INITIAL MEETING WITH YOUR CAREER COACH: September 201 6 Once classes begin, schedule an initial meeting with your career coach to begin the process of strategically managing your career. You may schedule a meeting on a day and time that is convenient to you using CAREER FAIRS : Fall 201 6 Almost immediately upo n your arrival at the Smith School, career conferen ce season begins. For those who are interested , conferences can be immensely helpful in your job search. They provide a forum for interacting with Fortune 500 companies and a few nonprofits who are looking to hire MBAs for both internships and full - time opportunities. If you attend a conference without being prepared , you run the risk of damaging your personal b r and and the Smith S chool brand s o please have a discussion with your career coach regarding your conference readiness prior to making your decision on whether or not to attend one of the fall conferences. Conferences that you should be aware of and speak with your coach about attending are: ï‚· National Hispanic MBA (NSHMBA): 9/29 - 10/1 (Career Fair on 9/30 & 10/1) (Houston, TX) ï‚· Reaching Out MBA (ROMBA): 10/6 - 10/8 (Dallas, TX) ï‚· MBA Veteran's Conference: 10/6 - 10/8 (Chicago, IL) ï‚· National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA): 10/11 - 10/15 (10/13 - 10/14 Career Fair) (New Orleans, LA) ï‚· National Association of Women M BAs (NAWMBA): 10/20 - 10/22 (Stamford, CT) ï‚· Net Impact Conference: 11/3 - 11/5 (Philadelphia, PA) ï‚· Asian MBA Conference: 11/4 (New York, NY) ï‚· Chinese Finance Association Annual Conference and Career Fair: TBD (NY) Career Coaches will be on hand at several of thes e conferences to provide career advising and mock interview support as you interact with employers in attendance. Your goals for the career fair should be to secure : ï‚· Invitations to interview either ahead of time or at the conference ï‚· Invitations to employ er networking events ï‚· A list of employer contacts both within human resources and your functional area (s) If you know you will be attending a career conference identify your target companies, and submit your resume one month in advance of each conference. Resume submissions are facilitated online via each conference’s job match database. ONGOING CAREER SERVICES The Office of Career Services encourages you to fully partner with your career coach in your efforts to strategically manage your career. ï‚· Sched ule coaching appointments early and often for the best results. ï‚· Login to HireSmith often to keep apprised of relevant career development workshops and events, and employers recruiting at the Smith School. 4 ï‚· Attend career - related programming and networking opportunities to make the most of your Smith experience. ï‚· Keep your eyes open for the weekly MBA Career Terp Talk publication, which will arrive in your Smith inbox every Sunday evening once classes begin. CONTACT US Office of Career Services – Baltimor e Campus Robert H. Smith School of Business University of Maryland, BioPark Two, Suite 100 801 W. Baltimore Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 410. 706. 0859 TEL Office of Career Services – DC Campus Robert H. Smith School of Business University of Marylan d Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite C6 Washington, DC 20006 202. 898. 0750 TEL Office of Career Services – Shady Grove Campus Robert H. Smith School of Business University of Maryland 9630 Gudelsky Drive Building III, Office 5109 Rockville, MD 20850 301. 738. 6179 TEL

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Welcome to Roadside Safety Discs rrrr


Vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht. Wir werden Ihre Anfrage so schnell wie möglich beantworten. Falls Sie ergänzende Fragen haben sollten, verwenden Sie bitte die im Betreff genannte Vorgangsnummer. Thank you for your request. Your enquiry will be answered as soon as possible. If you have further questions, please, refer to your ticket number. -- Führungen Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Compass. Die zentrale Information Telefon +49 2093-70250 (Anrufbeantworter)

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Monday, October 29, 2018

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Dear Said Malouf,
Thank you for your interest in studying at Universität Hamburg. Please use the following contact form for your inquiry:
This way we can ensure that your inquiry is answered quickly and correctly.
Please read the FAQs carefully – perhaps you'll find the answer to your questions there!
Best regards,
Patricia Wiesemann
Universität Hamburg
Abteilung 5 – Internationales
Referat 52 – Internationaler Studierendenservice und Mobilität
Lz: 52.02
Mittelweg 177
20148 Hamburg
Tel.: +49-40-42838-9480
Fax.: +49-40-4279-77609

Dear Said Malouf, Thank you for your interest in studying at Universität Hamburg. Please use the following contact form for your inquiry: This way we can ensure that your inquiry is answered quickly and correctly. Please read the FAQs carefully – perhaps you'll find the answer to your questions there! Best regards, ---- Patricia Wiesemann Universität Hamburg Abteilung 5 – Internationales Referat 52 – Internationaler Studierendenservice und Mobilität Erasmus-Studierendenmobilität Lz: 52.02 Mittelweg 177 20148 Hamburg Tel.: +49-40-42838-9480 Fax.: +49-40-4279-77609 --_005_9a8f4875b43a4600baa3c61b9b64d5c0DM6PR04MB4699namprd04pr--

Thursday, October 25, 2018

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English version: Thank you for your e-mail to CBS. If your e-mail concerns questions about CBS's programmes, admission, student life and career opportunities: Bachelor/Undergraduate admission: If you are interested in applying for admission to bachelor programmes at CBS, please find extensive information on entry requirements, application deadlines, statistics on admission as well as contact information at We strongly recommend that you read all available information thoroughly. Your e-mail on guidance and admission will not be answered or forwarded. Graduate Admission: If you are interested in applying for admission to graduate programmes at CBS, please find extensive information on entry requirements, application deadlines, statistics on admission as well as contact information at We strongly recommend that you read all available information thoroughly. If your e-mail pertains to guidance and/or admission, it will not be answered or forwarded. If you have concrete and specific questions regarding your application in the Application Portal, you are to write to CBS Admissions using the contact information available on CBS student: If you are currently a student at CBS and your email concerns questions about your studies, please find information on rules and regulations as well as contact information for most of the administrative functions at Your email will not be answered or forwarded. If your e-mail concerns student projects, job and internship exposure at CBS: If your inquiry is about student projects, job or internship exposure to CBS students or recent graduates, go to the jobsite If your e-mail concerns other issues than mentioned above, it will be answered or forwarded to the relevant department. Best regards, Copenhagen Business School -------------------------------------- Dansk version: Tak for din e-mail til CBS. Hvis din e-mail vedrører spørgsmål om CBS' uddannelser, studiemiljø og karrieremuligheder: Bacheloroptag: Hvis du er interesseret i at søge optagelse på en af vores bacheloruddannelser, finder du information om adgangskrav, ansøgningsfrister og statistik samt kontaktinformation på Vi anbefaler, at du bruger tid på at læse informationen på vores hjemmeside. Din henvendelse om uddannelser og optagelse vil ikke blive besvaret eller videresendt. Kandidatoptag: Hvis du er interesseret i at søge optagelse på en af vores kandidatuddannelser, finder du information om adgangskrav, ansøgningsfrister og statistik samt kontaktinformation på Vi anbefaler at du bruger tid på at læse informationen på vores hjemmeside. Din henvendelse om uddannelser og optagelse vil ikke blive besvaret eller videresendt. Hvis du har specifikke spørgsmål vedrørende din ansøgning i Ansøgningsportalen, er du velkommen til at kontakte CBS Admissions via kontaktoplysningerne på CBS studerende: Hvis du allerede er studerende på en af vores bachelor- eller kandidatuddannelser, og din henvendelse drejer sig om dit studie, kan du finde information om regler og bestemmelser samt kontaktoplysninger til de fleste administrative funktioner Din e-mail vil ikke blive besvaret eller videresendt. Hvis din e-mail vedrører studenterprojekter eller praktikant- og stillingsopslag på CBS: Hvis dit spørgsmål drejer sig om at distribuere studenterprojekter eller praktikant- og stillingsopslag til CBS studerende eller nyligt dimitterede studerende, henviser vi til CBS' jobportal: Hvis din e-mail vedrører andre spørgsmål end ovenstående, vil din e-mail blive besvaret eller videresendt til den relevante afdeling. Venlig hilsen

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Confirmation Receipt rrrrr

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James: Thank you for your interest in Johns Hopkins University. Here is a link that will tell you all the requirements to apply to JHU: Scroll down to see Requirements. Once there go to the FAQs you will see many questions with answers that are helpful. Johns Hopkins University Office of Undergraduate Admissions Mason Hall/3400 North Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218 (410) 516-8171 (410) 516-6025 Fax ---- Good morning, In the interest of accuracy, I was wondering if you could provide some additional information so that I can better update you on your status. Could you please provide: · Your first and last name · Which office you applied through (either our Admissions office or International Office) · Your current residency status · Your Student ID (if you have already been given one) Thank you for your patience and cooperation in this matter, I look forward to hearing from you soon. In Him, Andrew Parry Graduate Admissions Dallas Baptist University 214-333-5479 |

Confirmation Receipt rrrrr

Stay Warm This Winter With Choice Home Warranty

James: Thank you for your interest in Johns Hopkins University. Here is a link that will tell you all the requirements to apply to JHU: Scroll down to see Requirements. Once there go to the FAQs you will see many questions with answers that are helpful. Johns Hopkins University Office of Undergraduate Admissions Mason Hall/3400 North Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218 (410) 516-8171 (410) 516-6025 Fax ---- Good morning, In the interest of accuracy, I was wondering if you could provide some additional information so that I can better update you on your status. Could you please provide: · Your first and last name · Which office you applied through (either our Admissions office or International Office) · Your current residency status · Your Student ID (if you have already been given one) Thank you for your patience and cooperation in this matter, I look forward to hearing from you soon. In Him, Andrew Parry Graduate Admissions Dallas Baptist University 214-333-5479 |

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Monday, October 22, 2018

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Hello, We are forwarding your email to our office of Admissions, which will be able to respond to any questions you may have. In addition, we invite you to visit the CalArts web site. Thank you for your interest. Regards, Alumni Relations -- CalArts Office of Alumni Relations 24700 McBean Pkwy. Valencia, CA 91355 661-253-7875 Find us on Facebook in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, New York, Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, Seoul, Tokyo and Washington DC. Find us on Amazon, Linkedin, Pinterest too! If you have a job opportunity to share, please consider posting to CalArts job bank. Office of Alumnx & Family Engagement California Institute of the Arts 24700 McBean Parkway Valencia, CA 91355 Phone: 661-222-2742 Fax: 661-291-6013 Email: Interested in making a gift to CalArts? Please visit or call 661-222-2742 to make a gift by credit card. To make a gift by stock or wire transfer please visit

Saturday, October 20, 2018

[Y]our invitation


====== THIS IS AN AUTOMATED RESPONSE =====Hello, I am no longer working at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism. If you need technical assistance, please send an email to or call 646-758-7750. Cheers! Sharmela Girjanand CUNY Graduate School of Journalism 219 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018 Sharmela: (646) 758-7832 IT Help Desk: (646) 758-7750

[Y]our invitation


====== THIS IS AN AUTOMATED RESPONSE =====Hello, I am no longer working at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism. If you need technical assistance, please send an email to or call 646-758-7750. Cheers! Sharmela Girjanand CUNY Graduate School of Journalism 219 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018 Sharmela: (646) 758-7832 IT Help Desk: (646) 758-7750
******************************************************************************************************** Thank you for contacting the Admissions Office at Baylor College of Medicine. Most Admissions related questions can be answered on our website's FAQ page Additional information: BCM undergraduate course requirements, please click here Check the status of your application, please click here is_web/ms_app/status/login/login.cfm Important Admissions deadline dates, please click here chool/admissions/important-dates Letters of evaluation requirements, please click here edical-school/admissions/admissions-process Complete the supplemental application (Available July 1st) Due to the large number of applicants served, the Office of Admissions does not provide academic advising or counseling to prospective medical school applicants. Please speak to your current institution's pre-med advisor for their feedback on your application.If you do not have an advisor, please visit for assistance with your AMCAS application,prerequisites, letters of recommendation, etc. Additionally, if you are trying to reach a different program or school, please see the contact list below. Physician Assistant Program Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences National School of Tropical Medicine Doctor of Nursing Practice Program Nurse Anesthesia Master of Science in Orthotics and Prosthetics Program Thank you for contacting us, Office of Admissions School of Medicine Baylor College of Medicine

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******************************************************************************************************** Thank you for contacting the Admissions Office at Baylor College of Medicine. Most Admissions related questions can be answered on our website's FAQ page Additional information: BCM undergraduate course requirements, please click here Check the status of your application, please click here is_web/ms_app/status/login/login.cfm Important Admissions deadline dates, please click here chool/admissions/important-dates Letters of evaluation requirements, please click here edical-school/admissions/admissions-process Complete the supplemental application (Available July 1st) Due to the large number of applicants served, the Office of Admissions does not provide academic advising or counseling to prospective medical school applicants. Please speak to your current institution's pre-med advisor for their feedback on your application.If you do not have an advisor, please visit for assistance with your AMCAS application,prerequisites, letters of recommendation, etc. Additionally, if you are trying to reach a different program or school, please see the contact list below. Physician Assistant Program Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences National School of Tropical Medicine Doctor of Nursing Practice Program Nurse Anesthesia Master of Science in Orthotics and Prosthetics Program Thank you for contacting us, Office of Admissions School of Medicine Baylor College of Medicine
******************************************************************************************************** Thank you for emailing If this is an emergency, please dial 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. Please note that someone will respond to your email within 24 to 48 business hours (Monday –Friday). If you do not hear from us within that time, please call us at 212 443-1000. If you are writing to schedule or cancel a primary care or women's health appointment please click on the following link to access the online service portal: For all other appointments please contact the appropriate department listed below: Physical Therapy: 212 443-1080 Specialty Care: 212 443-1144 Optometry Services: 212 443-1260 Counseling and Wellness Services: 212 998-4780 If you have questions about hours of operation, online services or any other related information, please visit our website at A reference number , has been assigned for your convenience. If you have any further questions or concerns please reply to this email. Thank you, NYU Student Health Center Thank you for requesting information about our Undergraduate programs at California University of Pennsylvania. We value your time and are here to serve as your "One-Stop" resource to provide the necessary information to determine if Cal U is right for you! You will be receiving information shortly from a Cal U admission staff member. In the meantime, detailed information about academic programs can be found by following links below: Undergraduate Programs Undergraduate Global Online Programs For specific questions or immediate assistance, we can be reached by email or phone Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm: Undergraduate Admissions: or call 724.938.4400 or 888-412-0479 Undergraduate Global Online: or call 1.866.595.6348 Again, thank you for your interest in Cal U! We look forward to serving your higher education needs! Sincerely, California University of Pennsylvania Office of Undergraduate Admissions

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******************************************************************************************************** Thank you for your email to Admissions at Aims Community College. Your message is important to us and we will do our best to reply as quickly as we are able, but certainly within one business day. To aid in a timely response, please be sure that your email to us was sent from your Aims email address and included your name and your Aims ID number or birthday so that we can assist you more quickly and with regard to the security of your educational record. In the meantime, maybe we can answer some frequently asked questions. If you are having difficulties with the online application to attend Aims, you may fill out a paper version found at If you would like to know more about the academic programs we offer at Aims, visit If your account has a hold, there could be a variety of reasons. Call us at 970-339-6404 to inquire about holds. Questions regarding transfer credits can be sent to Many common admissions and registration forms can be found at If you would like to order transcripts of the classes you have completed at Aims to be sent somewhere else, go to Admissions, Registration, and Records Aims Community College 970.339.6404

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Hello Regergerer,

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We thank you for your patience and look forward to being able to assist!

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Monday, October 8, 2018

Confirmation plz



Thursday, October 4, 2018


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For a prompt response to an inquiry, you can speak with a representative by calling 520.621.1858 or visiting us on the ground floor of the Administration building during our regular business hours.


Thank you for writing AskAid. Have a great day!
University of Arizona
Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid
Administration Building, Room 208
(520) 621-1858 Phone
(520) 621-9473 Fax
P.O. Box 210066
Tucson, AZ 85721-0066

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For a prompt response to an inquiry, you can speak with a representative by calling 520.621.1858 or visiting us on the ground floor of the Administration building during our regular business hours.


Thank you for writing AskAid. Have a great day!
University of Arizona
Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid
Administration Building, Room 208
(520) 621-1858 Phone
(520) 621-9473 Fax
P.O. Box 210066
Tucson, AZ 85721-0066

Check your Financial Aid Status: