Wednesday, January 24, 2018

WelcomeTo CbD clinicaITrial

Hi qsdazd, I sent you this coveted invitation to try TruConversion a few days back, but I haven't heard from you. Is everything ok? Here's your new account activation link, again, just in case it got lost in the shuffle: Activate My Membership Remember that to maintain accurate prospective member totals, we typically de-activate new member applications if they aren't finalized within 7 days. This means your link is due to expire in 48 hours, so please try to activate your account TODAY, if at all possible. If you have any questions or you need more time, we're happy to extend it. I just need to hear from you in the next couple of days, or the system will automatically remove you from the new member queue. Thank you for understanding, and I look forward to seeing you on the other side. Talk Soon,

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