Saturday, August 4, 2018

Confirmation edy

Dear Accepted Vet Tech Student, Congratulations on your acceptance to the VTC Veterinary Technology Program. Admissions standards are high and acceptance shows that we have confidence in your ability to complete the program and ultimately pass the Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE) and to be a valued member of the veterinary health care team I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, and a few animal friends here at the college. My name is Dr. Amy St. Denis, and I am the Director of the Veterinary Technology Program. In addition to our normal population of cats, dogs, cattle, horses, rabbits and rodents, we have: a Ball Python, one very chatty cockatiel, and Rocky, a box turtle. Our student population is a range from recent high school graduates to nontraditional students seeking a career change. Many of our graduates do go directly from school to work in a clinical practice or related fields, while others decide to continue their education. One opportunity here at Vermont Tech for a Veterinary Technology student, is to stay an additional two years and earn a Bachelors degree in Business Technology and Management. Students, who complete this degree, would have additional marketable skills in the area of practice management. We are also in the process of planning orientation sessions. A separate mailing will follow with the pertinent details of these mandatory meetings. At these sessions important topics will be discussed, including human rabies prophylactic vaccination and other expectations outlined in the Veterinary Technology Student Handbook. The handbook is full of very useful information on all program requirements. Our goal in providing all this information is to assist students in making a successful transition into the program. The Orientation Program will also be an excellent opportunity to explore our facilities, in addition to getting all of your important questions answered. Before enrolling, it is important that each student consider the following regarding the academic and physical demands of the Veterinary Technology program. Academically, students are enrolled in a very challenging curriculum that is heavily science based, in as many as 18 credit hours per semester. During their two year program of study, students are expected to complete over 300 tasks required by the American Veterinary Medical Association accreditation standards, many of which are performed on live animals. In addition, other physical challenges include hands on care of the program owned animals, for at least 4 weeks each semester in the first year. This is accomplished through enrollment in VET 1051 and 1052, Animal Care 1 and 2. Students are partnered with a classmate and are supervised by second year students. Morning Animal care shifts begin at 6:00 a.m. and evening shifts start at 5:00 pm, with each shift lasting approximately 2 hours. Students are scheduled with only one shift per day when they are on the schedule. Thus the program is challenging in many ways. If a student is unsure about whether or not they have chosen the appropriate degree program, I strongly recommend that each student shadow a veterinary technician in a veterinary practice as a means of deciding on this as a career path. Most veterinary practices are very amenable to students coming in and the insight gained can be very valuable. I hope that you will take some time to think about all of the information I have provided and use it to help make a good decision about your academic future. I look forward to meeting you at orientation. If you have any questions at any time regarding the program curriculum or requirements, please feel free to contact me at any time. I can be reached via email,, or by phone, 802- 728-1229. Sincerely, Dr. Amy H. St. Denis Program Director Veterinary Technology Dear Student and Parent(s): Congratulations! You will soon receive a Chesterfield County Public Schools mobile device. To promote anytime, anywhere learning, Chesterfield County Public Schools is providing mobile devices for students. The mobile device is an important part of your school's curriculum, and you will use it in school almost every day. You can also take the device home when you and your parents/guardians read and agree to the terms listed on this form. If you and your parents/guardians do not agree, you will use the device in school, but school building administrators reserve the right to limit your permission to take the mobile device home. ● Students will abide by the Student Code of Conduct (School Board Policy 4010­R). ● Students acknowledge that any issued device is the property of Chesterfield County Public Schools. It is yours to use. You will return the device to Chesterfield County Public Schools if you withdraw from the school system, at the end of the school year or immediately upon a request from a teacher, administrator or other school division official. ● Students will adhere to these terms each time the device is used, including when it is not on school grounds. ● Students will make available for inspection by any school administrator or teacher any messages or files sent or received on their CCPS­issued device. ● Students will report to responsible school personnel any incidents of inappropriate communications transmitted in any form using CCPS­owned technology. ● Students will not deface the device or adhere stickers or other markings that cannot be completely removed by the student when returning the device. ● Students agree to transport the issued device in a provided or school­approved carrying case. ● Students will bring their issued device fully charged to school each day. ● If damage occurs to the mobile device, students and parents/guardians agree to be responsible for these fees. Devices reported as stolen outside of school require that parents notify police and provide a copy of an official police report to the school administration. ✓ First incident: No fee for accidental damage to mobile device; letter to parents. Full price of repair or replacement for an intentionally damaged mobile device and a parent/guardian meeting with administrator required. Fee of $100 for lost or stolen mobile device and a parent/guardian meeting with principal required. Fee of $25 for lost, stolen or damaged AC adapter. ✓ Second and subsequent incidents: No fee for accidental damage to mobile device; letter to parents. Full price of repair or replacement for an intentionally damaged mobile device and a parent/guardian meeting with administrator required. Full price for lost or stolen mobile device and a parent/guardian meeting with principal required. Fee of $25 for lost, stolen or damaged AC adapter. Student: I have read, understand and agree that if I do not honor all the terms in this agreement, I may be denied access to the Internet and other electronic media, I may be subject to disciplinary action, and my CCPS­issued mobile device may be confiscated. __________________________ __________________________ _________ Student name (print) Student signature Date Parent/Guardian: I have read and understand this agreement and give permission for the school to allow my child to use the CCPS­issued mobile device under the terms and conditions set forth above.

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