Dear Applicant Thank you for your interest in the post of Researcher (Future Pathways). This pack aims to give you some background information to the organisations directly involved in the research project, the project itself and the specifics of the researcher role. Future Pathways offers help and support to people who were abused or neglected as children while they were living in care in Scotland. We work together to help survivors access person-centred support that will help them to lead full, healthy and independent lives and find their own pathways to a positive future. Penumbra is one of Scotland's largest mental health charities; we support around 1600 adults and young people every week. With over 350 staff across Scotland, we work to promote mental health and wellbeing for all, prevent mental ill health for people who are 'at risk' and to support people with mental health problems. Penumbra is a member of the Alliance that has been created to deliver Future Pathways. Outcome Focus is a mission-led, start-up company based in Edinburgh based in Edinburgh who work with organisations to assess, explore and map outcomes that matter to them and the people and populations they care about. The above organisations have formed a research partnership group that will co-ordinate the research project on behalf of Future Pathways. The post-holder will be employed by Penumbra but will work with Future Pathways and Outcome Focus via a secondment arrangement designed to provide the necessary support, supervision and knowledge sharing required to meet project deliverables and ensure a safe, supportive and rewarding work environment for the post-holder. In order to assist you with your application we have enclosed: Project Summary Job description Person Specification Researcher (Future Pathways) Application Pack 3 Research Project Summary Background The purpose of Future Pathways is to ensure integrated, high quality, sustainable services are available to people who experienced abuse or neglect whilst living in care in Scotland. Future Pathways is operated via an innovative alliance model. The project is funded by the Scottish Government, and delivered by 4 organisations, each making a unique contribution as illustrated below: Future Pathways is a new model for the provision of support for people who experienced abuse or neglect whilst in care as children in Scotland and is part of wider strategy developed by the Scottish Government to address the legacy of historic abuse in Scotland. The Survivor Scotland strategy running from 2015 to 2017 focused on three strategic outcomes: A Healthy Life: Survivors are enabled and supported to enjoy an attainable standard of living, health and family life. Choice and Control: Survivors are treated with dignity and respect and are empowered and enabled to access the right support. Safety and Security: Survivors have access to resources and services which are trauma informed and Researcher (Future Pathways) Application Pack 4 have the capacity and capability to recognise and respond to the signs of childhood abuse. The purpose of Future Pathways is to co-ordinate access to, and the delivery of, resources and integrated care and support so that Survivors can achieve their own goals, in line with the strategic outcomes detailed above. The Scottish Human Rights Commission (SHRC) was independently contracted by the Scottish Government in 2010 to develop a Framework for Justice and Remedies for Historic Abuse of Children In Care. On publication of the framework, a process of interaction working with survivors of abuse was agreed. Working with survivors and service providers, the SHRC and CELCIS, the Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children In Scotland, developed an Action Plan to implement the recommendations of the framework. The resulting Action Plan on Justice for Victims of Historic Abuse of Children in Care (SHRC 2013) suggested the development of a national support fund for survivors of abuse, and Future Pathways, formerly the In Care Survivor Support Fund Scotland, is the realisation of that recommendation. Support from Future Pathways ranges from practical support, to specialised psychological trauma support depending on the personal outcomes identified by each survivor. The Research Project The study aims to uncover how successful Future Pathways is in its aim of increasing wellbeing for survivors of abuse through a holistic and person centred model of support. The research project will be co-ordinated by a partnership group of Future Pathways, including Penumbra, and Outcome Focus. The group will work to bring together evidence, data and evaluation together to analyse and ensure that the desired outcomes are met. The project will aim to answer the following questions: Is Future Pathways making a positive difference to survivors? And if so: What does a positive difference look like? How can we tell things have changed and, in what ways has Future Pathways contributed to this change? What has the wider impact of Future Pathways been? The Future Pathways Researcher will work with the partnership team to design and lead the above research project. Findings will feed directly into the strategic development and quality processes of Future Pathways and Researcher (Future Pathways) Application Pack 5 the study will contribute to the evidence base on how support can be most effective for people who have experienced institutional abuse and neglect. For more information on Future Pathways visit
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