Friday, July 27, 2018

confirmation aoh

Dear ELGHS Students, Parents, Guardians, Staff, and Community Members: On Tuesday, March 14, 2018 at 10:00am there is a planned voluntary student and staff walkout lasting for 17 minutes occurring nationwide. This walkout, referred to as the "Enough: National School Walkout" is an organized demonstration against gun violence in direct response to the recent tragic events at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The exact nature of these walkouts will vary between communities, but the message centers around creating and maintaining a safe school environment for students and staff by urging Congress to pass legislation that will help keep us all safe from gun violence. At ELGHS, the approach was taken to involve our National Honor Society members, our student leaders, in the planning of our participation in this event. Together, the following activities will take place. For students and staff at ELGHS interested in participating in this walkout, they will be allowed to quietly get out of their seat, leave classroorns, and go to the auditorium at 10:00. Participation is completely voluntary. Once gathered in the auditorium, several NHS members have organized a peaceful demonstration that will give students and staff an opportunity to sign letters to our U.S. Senators and Representatives. There will also be an explanation of a school-climate movement sweeping through the country called "What's Your 17?" In addition, information will be provided about an upcoming community rally being organized for Saturday, March 24 and how interested parties can take part. Working with the NHS students, we believe that there are times in life when we have to stand up for what we believe in, and that this is a moment in history that demands action. We hope this experience can empower youth to realize that they have a voice and that it's imperative that they engage in the process and stay involved. Working together, we know we can maintain and grow the safe and positive climate of ELGHS. You can find more information about the national walkout at: Sincerely, Travis Moore National Honor Society Advisor

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